Roy Green Show

Roy Green Show - June 3rd, 2017



Paul Bernardo will be eligible to appeal for parol this year. Meanwhile, Karla Homolka is volunteering at her children's school in Quebec. Guest: Tim Danson, lawyer for the French and Mahaffy families     Why are chronic pain patients made to appear as opioid addicts when all they require is a chance to live life as free of horrendous pain as possible? Guest: Dr. Jane Philpott, Federal Minister of Health - Roy also speaks with "Catherine",  an anonymous pain patient whose doctor is already cutting her back 75% on her opioid medication. Guest: "Catherine"   Alicia Raimundo, a young Canadian who was named one of 2012's "faces of mental illness," has been described as a "Mental Health Superhero" for sharing her experiences dealing with depression, anxiety and attempted suicide. Now Alicia is going public with her battle with an eating disorder. Guest: Alicia Raimundo Learn more about your ad choices. Visit