Roy Green Show

Andrew Scheer joins Roy to discuss the future of the Conservatives. What must be done to prevent future terror attacks? And a personal story from a Canadian whose medication is being cut back.



The Roy Green Show Podcast   On opioids - frequently, Roy has spoken with terrified patients who have said they may commit suicide without their medication. Today, a professional and successful Canadian woman who will remain anonymous shares her health challenges and what being cut off from her medication will mean to her. Her doctor is already cutting her back 75% on her opioid medication. Guest: “Catherine” - Marvin Ross writes for Huffington Post Canada about health issues. His most recent column, “Ontario’s War on Pain Patients”, deals with how pain patients are going to be affected by Health Canada’s guidelines for doctors prescribing opioids. Guest: Marvin Ross, Huffington Post Canada - Two prominent Muslims speak about ongoing terror attacks, politicians delivering generally vacuous statements after these attacks, and what must be done. Guests: Raheel Raza, president of the Council of Muslims Facing Tomorrow, author of “Their Jihad, Not My Jihad” Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, founder of the American Isla