Ai With Ai

Drawing Outside the Box



Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI-related news and research, including a bill from the EU that will make it easier for people to sue AI companies for harm or damages caused by AI-related technologies. The US Office of S&T Policy releases a Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, which further lays the groundwork for potential legislation. The US signs the AI Training for the Acquisition Workforce Act into law, requiring federal acquisition officials to receive training on AI, and it requires OMB to work with GSA to develop the curriculum. Various top robot companies pledge not to add weapons to their technologies and to work actively at not allowing their robots to be used for such purposes. Telsa reveals its Optimus robot at its AI Day. DARPA will hold a proposal session on 14 November for its AI Reinforcements effort. OpenAI makes DALL-E available for everybody, and Playground offers access to both DALL-E and Stable Diffusion. OpenAI also makes available the results of an NLP Community Meta survey in c