Chats With Susan Burrell

Creating Communities of Change



Ep #209 - Creating Communities of Change - An Interview with Ame-Lia Tamburrini host of the Circle of Change Podcast and Founder of Hum Consulting. I am honored to welcome Ame-Lia Tamburrini to Empowering Chats. She is a spark of light. We met a few months ago when I was on her podcast, Circle of Change. Circles are a big thing for me and I found out for Ame-Lia as well. I believe circles represent all the people in the world who want to connect and are connecting. Ame-Lia’s podcast is appropriately named, Circle of Change and she is all about connecting with kindness. The circle concept is very important to Ame-Lia. During this conversation she shared about the many decades she spent sitting in community all across the world listening to stories. And many of those conversations took place in circle settings. And what she noticed is that sitting in a circle listening to stories Is different from sitting in rows and listening to someone tell a story from a podium.  The energy is powered differently. Ame-Lia fe