Core Education

LEARNZ Climate Change podcast 1 of 3



Questions from schools answered by Dr James Renwick and Dr Dave Frame, both Victoria University Climate Scientists on the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). 1. What year do you think most people "got" Climate Change? 2. Who were the first groups? Who will be the last? When did scientists "get it"? 3. Is there really an irreversible date for CC? 4. Is coronavirus at all linked to climate change? 5. Are viruses like COVID-19 more likely to appear because of a warming planet? 6. What chance do you think there is of change when people always seem to want new cars, new houses, overseas travel, new clothes, new tech stuff? 7. What would happen if sea creatures went extinct? 8. Can the meting ice caps affect our coast lines? 9. What can we do to help this problem? 10. Are there any animals affected by climate change? 11. Are polar bears going to go extinct? 12. How much does the sea rise every year? 13. In NZ what is the largest contributor to CC? 14. How much is planting trees part of the solution to g