Core Education

LEARNZ Ahuahu archaeology Podcast 3 of 3



The following questions from schools are answered by NZ historians and archaeologists: 1. How do you think all the history that has been explored about Ahuahu will be shared with others in the future? 2. How long will it be until other native and protected animals come to live safely on Ahuahu? 3. Can you tell us how you think archaeology will change or improve to help us learn more about NZ history? 4. How else will you ensure that no more pests come onto the island? What if someone doesn't check their boat for stowaways? 5. Can you describe how you think Ahuahu will look in 50 years, including the landscape, plants and animals? 6. How will climate change affect Great Mercury Island? 7. Are there any other goals or plans for Ahuahu, other than becoming pest free? 8. Has pollution affected Ahuahu? Or do you think it will in the future? 9. How do you personally view offshore islands and landscapes like Ahuahu, playing a role in our lives now and in the future? 10. Is there any discussion about conserving the m