Bethesda Shalom

Spiritual Stirrings - Paul M. Williams



Genesis 1:1-3 It is upon my heart to speak to you about the spiritual stirrings of God amidst unfavourable times of spiritual depression!!  Is this not an apt topic for the crisis hour in which we find ourselves?  As I look around, after the natural eye, I don’t find much encouragement outwardly to commend much hope to my soul. As a nation, spiritually, we’re not in a good place — darkness covers the face of the deep, and by all natural reasoning, it seems that the light has been extinguished, never to rise upon the land again!!  Yet, as one traces the moving of the Spirit in the history of the pages of God’s Word, one sees time and again, where darkness abounded, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep and God said, let there be light and there was light!!  It is my firm conviction, that God is at work, stirring the hearts of His people to pray because it is His desire to move again in revival power!