Iain Abernethy - The Practical Application Of Karate

10 things the martial arts should have taught you about life (podcast)



Happy new-year everyone! In the first podcast of 2015 we look at “10 things the martial arts should have taught you about life”. I’m a great believer in the ability of the martial arts to both enhance as well as preserve life. Gichin Funakoshi’s 10th precept is “Put Karate into your everyday life and you will find its subtle secrets.” There are lessons that are learnt in the microcosm of the dojo that we can apply to the macrocosm of everyday life. So for this podcast, I thought we’d look at 10 lessons that you should have learnt from your time in the dojo that apply to everyday life and, if you take them to heart, they can help make the next 12 months more productive and enjoyable than they may otherwise have been. These 10 lessons as not meant to be a definitive 10, and they are presented in no particular order. These are simply 10 lessons that came to mind when I sat down to write this podcast. I hope these 10 lessons give you pause for thought, help you to underline some of the non-physical benefits o