Iain Abernethy - The Practical Application Of Karate

Bonus Podcast: Iain interviewed by MartialPreneur TV



This is not the latest iainabernety.com podcast, but a “bonus podcast” of my recent interview with MartialPreneur TV! It’s just over 50 minutes long and looks at my experiences as fulltime martial artist. In the podcast I am asked about how I came to be a full time martial artist, what lessons I have learnt along the way, what is my advice for those who similarly want to commit to the martial lifestyle, my advice for those looking to publish books and DVDs, and quite a bit more too. I really enjoyed chatting with Scott and I think that comes across. I hope you the podcast! I’ll be back with the next iainabernethy.com podcast very soon; which is on the subject of “street fighting” :-) Speak soon! All the best, Iain PS The download link can be found below the player MartialPreneur TV Blurb: “This week’s special guest is Iain Abernethy. Iain is best known for his work on the practical application of karate and kata bunkai or application of the moves within kata for real combat. He has been a publishe