Movie Mastery

Movie Mastery – Left Behind (2014)


Synopsis What, it was a lazy Thursday afternoon!  System Mastery has already reviewed a few other movies.  Dungeons and Dragons, a weird Carrie sequel, whatever the heck Frankenqueen was, and so on.  It’s fun stuff for fun people.  This time we flopped down in front of Netflix and took in Left Behind, the rapture movie that’s afraid to say Rapture. Hey, does anyone actually like these movie reviews when we do them?  If they’re something folks enjoy, we’ll do more and swap them over to a different feed so that we aren’t crowding up our regular feed.  Maybe even get another viewer in with us so that it’s not quite so samey.  Let us know via the usual channels if we should keep this sort of thing going, and if so, what we should be watching!