Iain Abernethy - The Practical Application Of Karate

Canadian Radio Interview



As many of you will know, I recently taught a series of seminars in various parts of Canada. Without exception all the seminars were great fun and I’m very grateful to all who attended for their warmth, their enthusiasm and their ability to digest the information we covered. I had a blast! Whist I was in Canada, James Freeman (organiser of the events) and I were interviewed on a morning radio sports show. This month’s podcast includes that interview in full! Topics covered in the interview include my martial background, why I took up karate, the nature of kata, my thoughts on MMA and self-defence, the current state of martial arts, the true nature of self-protection, what the seminars in Canada covered, could I kill someone with my thumb (!), and had I ever kicked someone’s head clean off?! Seriously, I was asked those last two questions! I thought the mix of serious and tongue-in-cheek questions made for a fun and informative interview and I hope you enjoy listing to it. Thanks to Scott and Elliot Knowles f