Ruth Institute Podcast

Extinction is not too strong a word: Louis March



Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse and Louis T. March discuss the new threat to the human population: demographic winter. Lower birth rates have made the population growth begin to slow, bringing with it many unforeseen problems, which are only going to accelerate. Louis T. March, J.D., is a former U.S. Senate aide and public affairs consultant. He has also been active in the representation of companies for merger, acquisition and private placement of capital. He is an alumnus of The Fund for American Studies Institute on Comparative Political and Economic Systems, the College of William and Mary, Old Dominion University and North Carolina Central University School of Law. A former radio talk show host and occasional public speaker, his background in government, business and philanthropy has provided an in-depth understanding of public policy, the political process, and general public impact. He is an avid student of history, demography and social trends, and is a regular contributor at Louis lives