Spanish Answers

Episode 81: 10 Fun Spanish Sayings



Hi everyone! First, let me apologize for the delay. About two weeks ago, we began a major house project: putting up all of the trim before our second baby arrives! And as all house projects go, we ran into a few issues. Which means that we haven't gone to bed before midnight in a long time, the house is a disaster, and the majority of my recording stuff is still buried in this disaster. I managed to extricate my microphone yesterday, but quickly realized that I was not going to get my episode done in time, again. Needless to say, it has been a crazy month! And if things sound a little different, it is because my normal setup is just not possible right now. :( But things are slowly coming together, so I am hopeful that by the middle of next month, it will all be better (just in time for Christmas!). So thank you for your patience - this has been quite the challenging time! :) And without further ado, let's begin our episode for today, talking about 10 fun Spanish sayings that you can immediately begin using! (