13th Ave Media

13th Ave Show feat: Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Donna Gonzalez, opens Artisan Face & Body in Dunedin!



Tune in on Sunday, November 13th at 7am EST, for a new episode of The 13th Ave Show featuring Donna Gonzalez, B.S.N., M.S., A.P.R.N. Donna is the Owner and Founder of Artisan Face & Body, which is located in Dunedin, FL. Find out more about Donna on her website: https://www.artisanfacebody.com/home ▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ ︎ABOUT OUR GUEST: Graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a Master of Science in Anesthesiology, Donna Gonzalez is not only an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse and Nurse Anesthetist, but a skilled and experienced advanced aesthetic practitioner. Proudly, she is also a national trainer of aesthetics with the American Institute of Aesthetic Medicine (AIAM). More than 20 years ago, Donna graduated nursing school with honors and began her career as a trauma and ICU specialist at Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital and Doctor’s Hospital in Coral Gables. She worked closely with some of the country’s finest doctors, surgeons and nurses. These colleagues include some of the most prominent ora