Online Forex Trading Course

#482: Don’t Race to Get Rich through Trading



Don’t Race to Get Rich through Trading  Podcast: Find out more about Blueberry Markets – Click Here Find out more about my Online Video Forex Course #482:Don’t Race to Get Rich through Trading In this video: 00:28 – Take your time when learning to trade 01:33 – How I can help you 02:06 – Trading with low risk per trade 03:00 – Controlling your heart and your head 03:17 – Client makes +60% in 6 weeks 04:47 – Check out Blueberry Markets 05:16 – Today’s lessons 05:37 – Like & Subscribe Hey traders. Don't race to get rich through trading. It's likely to end in tears. Let me explain exactly what I mean through my 18 years of knowledge and experience to help you right now. Hey there, traders. Andrew Mitchem here at the Forex Trading Coach with video and podcast number 482. Take your time when learning to trade Came outside this afternoon, beautiful afternoon. And I wanted to talk about why you should not race to get rich through trading. You see, people get into trading and they think it's going to be easy.