Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

486 Holly Worton – How Outdoor Adventures Help Us to Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable



I'm back again, with another solo episode! This week, I'm talking about how outdoor adventures teach you what you can accomplish when you increase your tolerance for discomfort. This is a conversation that's come up with a couple of different people recently, and I wanted to share it here. I would never have been able to run 100km if I hadn't gotten through many uncomfortable runs. I would never have completed the Coast to Coast – or any of my trails – if I hadn't pushed beyond discomfort. I wouldn't be ready for my black belt grading if I hadn't showed up for many uncomfortable sparring classes.   Listen To This Episode        What You'll Learn Why you might want to get comfortable with discomfort Why stepping outside of our comfort zone is like building a muscle How to get comfortable with discomfort Ways you can choose discomfort in your adventures Ways you can choose discomfort outside of your outdoor adventures The benefits of getting comfortable with being uncomfortable   Things I Discussed Toastmas