What Got You There With Sean Delaney

Momentum Minutes - My NEW DAILY PODCAST!



Hey guys it’s Sean and I’m launching a NEW DAILY PODCAST called Momentum Minutes!  Don’t worry What Got You There isn’t going anywhere but After talking to a dozens of listeners the number one thing I kept hearing is how you want MORE WISDOM IN LESS TIME! Which is why I’m launching the Momentum Minutes podcast so you can hear the most important ideas I’m discovering in about a minute a day. Momentum Minutes is a short daily podcast that’s going to add a little inspiration to your morning by sharing lessons on leadership, business and self mastery. After spending 5+ years interviewing over 300 of the world's most successful people and reading hundreds of books I’m distilling down the best ideas and sharing them on this podcast.  Momentum Minutes is a daily podcast that is now available on all podcasting players so click the search Momentum Minutes in your favorite podcasting app and hit subscribe! Also it would mean so much to me if you give it a listen, write a review and share with anyone you think it might