Tuesday Breakfast

Standing Up for Workers in Tertiary Education, Homes Not Prisons Rally 2022, Imagining Radical Futures at the IRL Zine Fair, Raising Money for Needle n'Bitch Collective, Indigenous Perspectives at COP27



Fleur Taylor is Vice President of Victoria University's National Tertiary Education branch and joins us on the show to talk about Victoria University going through another restructure. It has been reported that changes will be made to the university's colleges, strategic direction, and more. This comes after 2020 saw university wide staff redundancies, job cuts and changes to working conditions. Fleur talks to us about what the latest changes mean for staff and working conditions. // Verity Archer is a humanities and social sciences lecturer at Federation University, as well as the Vice President (Academic) of the National Tertiary Education Union's Fed Uni branch. Last week, staff at Federation University's four campuses went on strike to protest slow negotiations and working conditions at the regional Victorian university. Verity talks to us this morning to talk about the strike, working conditions and the impact on staff and students. // Homes Not Prisons is a campaign established in March 2021 to stop the