Great Australian Lives With Laura Turner

Dr Ben Bravery's Great Australian LIfe



Join Laura Turner and her guest Dr Ben Bravery. Dr Ben Bravery is a fascinating man whose experience as a patient lead him down a different life path and a huge career change from patient to doctor. It was his mission and calling to shake up the medical field and change lives – Author and doctor, Dr. Ben Bravery. In his eye-opening memoir ‘The Patient Doctor’ (released July 2022), Ben goes through his journey of how his initial cancer diagnosis moved him to become a doctor and an advocate in change within the healthcare system. At just 28 years of age, Ben Bravery awoke from a colonoscopy, only to be told that he had stage three colorectal cancer. As a scientist, Ben understood the seriousness of this prognosis, and was a literal cancer-kick to the guts. His life was forever altered with what he discovered as a patient, and a young one at that, is that the system was fundamentally flawed in key areas, and is not built for young people like him. During his arduous eighteen month process of ridding himself o