Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

108. The #1 Sign Your Relationship Will Last



How do you know if a relationship will last? What will make your relationship stronger? The data holds the key. Would you believe it if I told you there are 2 relationship experts who – within 15 minutes of meeting a couple – can tell whether a marriage will go the distance or end in divorce? Here’s the real kicker: they have a 94% accuracy rate. If your mind is blown, like mine was and you want to know how they do it, you’ll want to tune in to today’s episode. I’m sharing with you the 1 simple thing that will show you if your relationship will last and what you need to do to improve the health and longevity of your relationship. You’ll also learn how to apply this same principle to ANY relationship you may be struggling with – be it business or familial.    Our mission is to help you become unstoppable so you can do the best work of your career while you enjoy more inner peace and freedom. Head to and sign up to receive podcast announcements and exclusive tips to unleash more of your creativit