Human Resources For Small Business

The Pulse of HR with Anitra St Hilaire



Dive into all things HR with guest Anitra St. Hilaire, HR expert and VP of People at ThreeFlow. Gain insight into recent innovations in the areas of compensation, benefits, employee needs, remote and hybrid changes, and effective communication. If you’re involved in any facet of HR, you don’t want to miss this episode.   TAKEAWAYS To be authentic and effective, leaders must be closely aligned with the company's values. When leaders know that they’re trying to aim for the same outcome, it’s easier to have those difficult and honest conversations. Find a seat at the table by finding ways to bring your unique point of view to executives and backing it up with data. Remote work presents a unique challenge for HR because you can't just replicate the in-person environment, needs, and challenges. HR leaders must be thoughtful about communication, particularly in asynchronous environments.    A QUICK GLIMPSE INTO OUR PODCAST