Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Organizational Psychologist Zoe Fragou on how you can protect your self esteem in the face of workplace "mobbing"



What would you do if you found yourself being slowly bullied out of your organization?Psychometrics is what we call the science of measuring someone's personality in a specific context. What does this mean for you? Personalities and values are all unique to each individual, and when you bring people together for a shared goal, you start to experience the culture of an organization. Psychometric research is focused on assessing people's personalities in a corporation and using that research to draw conclusions about their culture. Even for CEOs and Founders, it can be quite difficult to assess the workplace culture that they are building. This research can also be helpful in identifying organizations that may be prone to "mobbing" behaviors. Mobbing refers to the targetted act of trying to push someone out of an organization. Most often, this happens because a person thinks differently, they represent a change in the status quo, or they're being targetted for being part of a historically marginalized