Thread With Dr. Chuck Quinley

Thread Season 4 Episode 2: Science v. The Bible



If you struggled to integrate the Bible and the current state of science, I believe this episode could really help you. As people of faith, we do not have to check our brains at the door. God gave us the ability to reason and to look into the nature of things and to experiment and to evolve mentally. What we need is not another level of denial about  proven scientific facts, but a deeper understanding of both science and the Bible and we'll see that they can both be friends. All truth is God's truth and science can only study what truly is as long as it stays out of politics and religion or anti-religion which is more the case today.In this episode, we work to understand the overall purpose of the Bible and of the Genesis narrative in particular.  Once we know what we are and aren't looking at, we can focus and see the amazing message God has sent to us through the creation narrative of Genesis 1-3, the foundation for the drama that continues throughout the Bible, to the crucifixion and resurre