Ciara's Podcast

Arriving and Centring: A guided 15 minute journey



Ciara Roberts brings you a series of guided meditations.  You can listen seated, laying down, on a train, in a plane, under a tree...make it work for you.Beginning with Arriving and Centring.The energies of Arrive. The energies of Centre.Arriving and centring into the contours of our physical form. Centring into the essence of the deepest inner truths we hold.Arriving and Centring is a practise Ciara experienced with long time yin yoga teacher, Sarah Lo. A useful way to expand our feelings of body. How we experience sitting, in physical form, within an entire cosmology - which can seem so very peculiar or abstract when we have not had direct experience of this sense of connection. This enduring vastness.It resides within each one of us. Without exception.We arrive into the landscape of body.We centre into the inner beingness - perhaps we could call this grounding in our Buddha self. Or tapping into the well of sustenance within. Our inner power. It whispers and willows much further than the constraints of bod