Productivity Alchemy

Episode 278 - Finished Book, Christina Vasilevski



It is the week after the US Thanksgiving Holiday., and despite having JUST had a 4 day weekend, Kevin and Ursula are worn out from their respective tasks. The good news is Ursula finished a book today, and has sent it to her editor, but the bad news is she is too tired to appear this week. The better news is that we have a great talk with Special Guest Christina Vasilevski to make up for the lack of banter! Links for this Episode: Charity Spotlight: Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund Christina Vasilevski Professional Website Christina Vasilevski Personal Website Christian Vasilevski Twitter Orange Shirt Day Figma Habitica GnuCash You Need a Budget (YNAB) Secret Labs Chairs Steelcase Chairs Herman Miller Chairs Chicken Agda on TikTok Oliver Darkshire's Potato (original post) Play Potato Online!