Tuesday Breakfast

Youth Verdict's Win Against Waratah Coal, Race & Class in the 2022 Vic Election, Changes to Working Conditions at Vic Uni, Needle n'Bitch - Anarcha Feminist Collective in Indonesia



7:20 Murrawah Johnson, a Wirdi woman, First Nations Program Lead and Co-Director of Youth Verdict, talks about Youth Verdict's win against Waratah Coal, the massive Clive Palmer-owned Galilee Basin coal project. Last week, a Queensland court said that the coal project should not go ahead because of its contribution to climate change, its environmental impacts, and because it would erode human rights. It was the first time human rights arguments were used in a climate change case in Australia.  7:45 Nahui Jimenez, a Mexican-Australian socialist and community activist, talks about the recent state election and the role that race and class played in them. Nahui believes that racism, Indigenous oppression, climate change, the housing crisis, and the many other big challenges we face as a society are grounded in the destructive, competitive nature of capitalism. She has been involved in the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, organised campaigns against far right, neo Nazi, and Islamophobic groups, and has worked