10x Talk With Joe Polish And Dan Sullivan

Avoiding Entrepreneurial Sin with Joe Polish and Dan Sullivan - 10xTalk Episode #216



What to do (and what NOT to do) when you're connecting with other Entrepreneurs and people. Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Joe Polish and Dan Sullivan in this episode: How knowing the 'atmospheric conditions' of someone’s life can help you better understand them How to spot (and protect yourself from) people who might pretend, lie, cheat, or betray you CON-necting vs Connecting: The users and CON-fusers that messes with giving Entrepreneurs What to do with opportunists who can't seem to help themselves with trying to persuade you Pick up on the "yellow flags" before they become red flags in Entrepreneurial relationships Dan shares the importance of NOT ignoring your Entrepreneurial instincts and gut feelings The one skill the top Entrepreneurs in the world have honed more than almost any other How to take bad or negative experiences and transform them into a bigger opportunity Be The Buyer: Clarity on your standards and what will be (and won't be) good for you How to steer clear of seductive op