H3 Podcast

#171 - Coronavirus Is Worse Than You Think



On this episode of the H3 Podcast the gang discuss Alfredo eating his own diarrhea, Kobe Bryant's death, The Grammy's sucking ass, Coronavirus sweeping the nation, and a whole lot more!   Papa John's Boots Dan and Ian are perfectly synced Philly D Clickbait Analysis Tyler's speech at the Grammys Roads being destroyed in China https://twitter.com/DarrenPlymouth/status/1220803671967064065?s=19 Bodies all over hospital https://twitter.com/ZolotarevDm/status/1220788371674607619?s=19 Streets deserted https://twitter.com/nycgramr/status/1220804271538679815?s=19 Graph of spread https://twitter.com/SoCalBillsMafia/status/1220788089460674560?s=19 People falling down sick https://twitter.com/rachadchahine/status/1220785179146563585?s=19 Incredible Chinese industrial feat building hospital https://twitter.com/DarrenPlymouth/status/1220781689347235840?s=19 People working in china https://twitter.com/VictorLeonardi2/status/1220703805928562689?s=19 Health scientist claims holy mother of God h