Bethesda Shalom

Deliverance or Bondage? (Pt.3) Breaking Down the Walls – Paul M. Williams



Part 3 We have spent the last two teachings introducing the topic of deliverance ministry and the key architects who helped shape and fashion it in its formative years in the early 1960s and 70s.  Due to the anecdotal nature of the movement, it is impossible to speak with one united voice for all the leading figures within it.  However, what we are able to do is examine the teachings of two of the founding fathers of the movement, Dr. Derek Prince and Mr. Frank Hammond.  I think it would be fair to say, no two other people have done more to shape and influence the deliverance ministry movement than these two individuals.  Frank Hammond, for his legendary book “Pigs in the Parlor”, and Derek Prince, for his pioneering efforts in this field long before Frank Hammond ever got involved in the deliverance ministry. It may be that as you have heard the teachings thus far critiquing deliverance, you have asked yourself the question, how on earth can Christians get sucked in by this.  How as a Christian, can I be dem