Mary Lindow ~ The Messenger Podcast

“A “Chosen” Moment In Time - An Act Of Obedience - A Life Changed Forever”



by Mary Lindow TODAY’S PODCAST IS ONE OF SEVERAL THAT I WILL BE DOING IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WHICH I TRUST WILL ENHANCE YOUR CHRISTMAS SEASON, EVEN THOUGH THE MESSAGE IS ONE FOR ANY SEASON! I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to share with you, some very tender and beautiful moments where the Lord moved upon my husband, and I to obey the spirit of God promptly, and out of doing this God did great and amazing things! I also want to thank those of you that have been so consistent in helping me to produce podcasts. I am now reaching through the grace of God 60 countries freely, and also have been picked up by dozens of different podcast organizations. It does cost me to have to produce and publish these because they have to be parked somewhere. So again, I thank you and I know that at times it is difficult to give, and I do not take it lightly. It does help me do what I do because without you, I would have to stop!   NOW LET’S BEGIN WITH TODAY’S EXCITING “GOD STORY” PODCAST. My husband and I were given tickets to