Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

490 Holly Worton - How Bad Do You Want It? Finding Motivation For Your Adventures



I'm back again, with another solo episode! This week's episode is late because I've been ill for a couple of weeks, lost my voice, and had to cancel two interviews. My voice is still a bit off, but at least I'm no longer croaking like a whispering frog. In this episode, I reflect on my experience working toward my black belt in kickboxing. I discuss what it took to pass the grading, and what I learned from the experience. I also reflect on how it's affected my outdoor adventures, and how the activities have been mutually supportive. Many months ago, a listener wrote in and asked me to talk about kickboxing. I've been waiting until now to do this episode. What you have learned from kickboxing; and what this teaches about learning new things in general, how to handle the physical discomfort of it, but what you have learned from it, and maybe what you've learned about how to learn?   Listen To This Episode        What You'll Learn What I've learned from kickboxing over the years What this has taught me about l