Past Present

Episode 355: ROTC and American Schools



In this episode, Natalia, Neil, and Niki discuss the history of ROTC. Support Past Present on Patreon: Here are some links and references mentioned during this week’s show:   The presence of required Junior ROTC courses in American public schools made news last week. Neil referenced this Army history of ROTC. Natalia referred to this PBS segment about the debates over reinstating ROTC, and Niki drew on this Washington Times article about bridging the military recruitment gap.     In our regular closing feature, What’s Making History: Natalia shared Alex Vadukul’s New York Times article, “Luddite Teens Don’t Want Your Likes.” Neil discussed Michelle Debczak’s Mental Floss article, “The Tumultuous History of Tinsel.” Niki recommended the podcast “If Books Could Kill.”