Grit And Grace

What's Coming in 2023



The great wheel of time is turning. As we step into this new year, Tahverlee shares tips and tools to support your 2023 intentions.Energetically, we are feeling the momentum of change. We are shedding this very dense energy we’ve been mired in the past few years and being called to uplevel at lightning speed.2023 will root your feet down deep into the earth and allow you to call in wisdom from the depths of your soul. The deeper the roots, the higher the branches. Go beyond your vision board and sink into what you want to feel, what you want to experience, how you want to grow, and how to honor your soul’s desire.Wishing you more joy in 2023!Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur and Temple Keeper. Visit Moon Temple Mystery School for ancient teachings for our modern world, spiritual coaching, and everything you need to know as you walk your awakening path.Dip your toes into the waters of your own inner knowing with Wake the Witch. Awaken the healer within in The Sacred Wheel, activate your highest level o