The New Stack Makers

Hazelcast and the Benefits of Real Time Data



In this latest podcast from The New Stack, we interview Manish Devgan, chief product officer for Hazelcast, which offers a real time stream processing engine. This interview was recorded at KubeCon+CloudNativeCon, held last October in Detroit. "'Real time' means different things to different people, but it's really a business term," Devgan explained. In the business world, time is money, and the more quickly you can make a decision, using the right data, the more quickly one can take action. Although we have many "batch-processing" systems, the data itself rarely comes in batches, Devgan said. "A lot of times I hear from customers that are using a batch system, because those are the things which are available at that time. But data is created in real time sensors, your machines, espionage data, or even customer data — right when customers are transacting with you." What is a Real Time Data Processing Engine? A real time data processing engine can analyze data as it is coming in from the source. This is differ