Super Nerd Pals

SNP 126 - Super Dungeon Pals - Part III



Episode 126 is live!!! And we have returned to playing 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons with our esteemed DM - Kevin!!!! After a long loooong rest, our heroes Sleuthe (Stan), Ren (Andy), Keida (Ryan), and Seiza (Chris) have buried the remains of their brief companion and explore the town of Moss Stone. Strange things are afoot in this town...and it all begins with the most delicious batch of fruits and vegetables our heroes have ever seen. Detective shenanigans ensues! Special thanks to Tabletop Audio and SoundPad for all music and sound effects used in this episode. Please check out the Tabletop Audio and SoundPad platforms here! Enjoy! +++ You can find our podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Play and Stitcher!…id957518932?mt=2 @supernerdpals…4?t%3DSuper_Nerd_Pals Here is our RSS Feed for you to upload to your podcast player o