Morning Jolt



Positive living podcast help in ng to maximize your life, love and energy. Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:


  • 2024- The Year of Being Seen

    06/05/2024 Duration: 17min

    2024 is the year of being seen! In this we are able to be seen by the world through the story that you choose to write. How we act, how we make people feel and what our energy says about us (our spirits introduce us to the world) are all important to the story we write to the world! --- Support this podcast:

  • Guardians: Experiencing the Law Of Love

    30/04/2024 Duration: 24min

    As Guardians, we are tasked with sending out and administering love to the world. Each day as we send love and light into the world we are also dismantling the darkness of the world in this people are getting set free from pain, misery, hate, addiction and more while starting to experience the life that they were called to through love. In this, what happens is that everyone is lifted up exponentially into their space and their lives to experience the love already given to them. Never stop sending out love. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Year of Being Seen: Your Story

    14/03/2024 Duration: 18min

    Continuing our series on writing your story. Been away getting ready for television, but we have returned to continue this series. Its important you get to learn write your story. That is very important to your life as your story comes from within. This is important as the universe writes everything on the level of your heart and as you work to listen from within, you will hear everything. In this you can begin to write your story, one of goodness, love and life pursing you all of your days. Books available for purchase at or simply email --- Support this podcast:

  • The YOBS- Your Story

    15/02/2024 Duration: 23min

    We are continuing the series, Writing Your Story. What do you want your story to be in the world. This is important as you are in charge of how its expressed to world each day. People will read your story and be uplifted or otherwise. So be cognizant of your story. Books available at in Life: Yes, You Can Have It. --- Support this podcast:

  • Guardians: Taking Notice of the Victories

    07/02/2024 Duration: 25min

    Its been an exciting time as over these past few years we have walked into a new world. The hearts and consciousness of the world has shifted into inclusiveness, rebuilding trust, prosperity for all, protecting the environment and more. We are seeing this at the highest echelons of government filtering down to the hearts and minds of the people. The world is moving more progressive, dismantling hate, the wrong divisive narratives, greed and other things in the public eye. The Spiritual world is doing this publicly exposing untruths, lies, dishonesty and deception. The Spiritual us awakening us through love and light. We are continuing to send out love and light dismantling and destroying strongholds (of the mind), lofty mindsets and negativity's kingdom, through love, knowledge and more. We are taking note of the elevation of people of color in prominence that will continue the existence of the world. Continue to send out love and light into 18,000 police forces, courts of the US and the World, the high

  • 2024- The Year of Being Seen Your Story 2

    03/02/2024 Duration: 14min

    We are continuing our series on being seen for 2024 and in this second episode we push forward into telling your story. Your Story is written in you and its one you choose to write by listening to yourself, working on yourself, focusing on yourself so that you can show the world who you are. You get to choose your way, your behavior and what you want to present to the world. So learn to write your story. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Year of Being Seen- Your Story

    30/01/2024 Duration: 26min

    Your Story, the one written within your energy is important to the greater cosmic mosaic that we call life. Learning to listen to your story and write is important as you live it in the world. --- Support this podcast:

  • Guardians: The Universe Makes One Rich

    25/01/2024 Duration: 23min

    As Guardians, we are sending out love and light - working vanquish the evil of hate, greed, racism, sexism, etc as these are lower energies that seek to wreck havoc on the lives of people. In this we are working to transform lives, as love edicts fear as it feeds the Spiritual energy (love feeds the Spirit). In this we are watching transform people,flood them with riches and wealth as well as take care of them. By law (this is an edict of the universe) you must be rich - all you have to do is agree and accept thats all. In this the universe will make sure that everything comes into fruition for you and everyone like you. We are continuing to send out the thoughts of restoration, restitution, reparations, riches and wealth to our Native American Brothers and sisters, African American Brothers and sisters, Asian, Hispanic brothers and sisters; love and light into the 18,000 police forces of the US and around the world; love and light into the Supreme Court and courts world wide; Wall Street and all of the f

  • THE Year of Being Seen -2024

    18/01/2024 Duration: 21min

    Learning how we are seen to love, helps us in our focus on how we are seen to ourselves, others and the world. Working on ourselves each day will help us to be more cognizant of who we are, how to properly see ourselves and relate the world. This is important especially as we are building a relationship to ourselves. Books available at --- Support this podcast:

  • 2024 The Year of Being Seen

    15/01/2024 Duration: 18min

    We are continuing our series on the year of being seen- how we are seen to love, to ourselves and to make this reality in the world. This is a powerful way to live and be a peace with us. And peace within is all that you need as it only comes from that place within. We are continuing the send out the thoughts of restoration, restitution, reparations, riches and wealth to our Native American Brothers and sisters, African American (people of African Descent, ), Hispanic as well as our Asian brothers and sisters; love and light into the 18,000 police forces of the US (police forces around the world); the Supreme Court and all Court systems (US and the world), and military. Books available at in Life: Yes, You Can Have It. --- Support this podcast:

  • Guardians 2024: Making Ths Invisible- Visible

    08/01/2024 Duration: 22min

    Welcome to 2024! A new year of firsts, amazing conquests and launching forward. We are talking about making the invisible world within us a reality outside of us. As Guardians, we have been tasked with making rights wrong, bringing love and light into the reality and helping to push the world forward through dispelling and dismantling darkness. Continuing forward we are working to restore people to their place, uplift the downtrodden and strengthen those who are weak. In this, we are making the invisible, visible, with our action of love and humility. We are also continuing to send out the thoughts of love and light into the 18,000 police forces in the US and the world; the US Supreme Court and all of its Court systems as well as the international Court systems; restoration, restitution, reparations, wealth, prosperity and riches to our Native American Brothers and sisters, African American Brothers and sisters and all marginalized groups. --- Support this podcast:

  • 2024 -The Year To Be Seen

    08/01/2024 Duration: 20min

    2024 is the year to be seen! We are working on building a deeper relationship to love, to ourselves and to others. We are also working to build a relationship to others. In this we are working on being seen in every area of our life. Books available at in Life, Yes, You Can Have It. --- Support this podcast:

  • 2024- The Year of Being Seen

    06/01/2024 Duration: 18min

    We are beginning our series the year of being seen. This is a year to be seen to the energy of love (you are an energy of love empowerment and wisdom- so your energy communicates with others around you and especially with you. This year we are deepening our relationship to love, ourselves and others as well as understanding how we are seen by love, by our own spirit (your spiritual energy sees you as rich having everything in your life), loved, successful, Royalty and cared for. As we move deeper into this, we are going to see that our worth abd our identity always derive from the inner most parts of us. Books available on Simplicity in Life: Yes, You Can Have It. --- Support this podcast:

  • Emancipation: Setting Vision 7

    18/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    Continuing the series on setting vision. Continuing to send out the thoughts of restoration, restitution,reparations, riches and wealth to our Native American Brothers and sisters, African American Brothers and sisters, Hispanic brothers and sisters; love and light into the realms of the Supreme Court, Court systems, 18,000 police forces of the USand beyond. Books available at in Life: Yes, You Can Have It. --- Support this podcast:

  • Emancipation: Vision pt 6

    15/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    Continuing our series as we end 2023 and head into 2024. Setting your vision is important as we are making what's inside of us reality in the world. Aligning with your spiritual energy and writing down your ideas and exciting them is important. Make your ideas reality as there are infinite ideas in this world. Books available at in Life: Yes, You Can Have It. --- Support this podcast:

  • Guardians: Using Your Resources to Improve The World

    13/12/2023 Duration: 14min

    Continuing our series. We are continuing send out the thoughts of restoration, restitution and reparations to our Native American (all of our Indigenous) brothers and sisters, African American Brothers and sisters, Hispanic brothers and sisters- all of our marginalized brothers. Love and light into the 18,000 police forces of the US, the Supreme Court and the court systems of the world, etc. Books are available at Simplicity in Life- Yes, You Can Have It. --- Support this podcast:

  • Emancipation: Vision

    10/12/2023 Duration: 18min

    Continuing our series on vision and building the life you desire. Books available at in Life: Yes, You Can Have It. --- Support this podcast:

  • Emancipation: Vision -3

    21/11/2023 Duration: 23min

    Where are you going in your life? Your Relationships? Your Professional Life? These are important as you when you have a vision, you have set your mind and heart into what you want to do and you watch your life come into alignment. Your energy works for your vision so it works to help make your vision to happen beyond your wildest imagination. So learn to set your mind on what you want and keep it there. Your energy will work with you to pull into fruition working everything out for you in the process. Books available at in Life: Yes, You Can Have It. --- Support this podcast:

  • Money and You: Finding Financial Peace

    20/11/2023 Duration: 17min

    This is the first in this fall’s series (3 more before Xmas) of Money and You, learning to find financial peace. Nearly 71% of Americans search for financial peace as they are mired by debt, living paycheck to paycheck and trying to make ends meet. This podcast is designed to help you navigate the wonderful world of financial management and create the life you desire. --- Support this podcast:

  • Guardians: Uplifting Others

    19/11/2023 Duration: 18min

    As Guardians, we are always working to send out the thoughts of love and light into the world and as we are doing this we are working to help people transform into the reality of who they are and in their lives. In sending out the thoughts of love and light, we are lifting up others (where thought flows energy goes) and helping them to transform into the reality of themselves. This is especially in this new world as it has wonderfully been transformed into a new reality of prosperity for all, those who were once marginalized are no the rulers of this new world which has now accelerated. In this we keep sending out the thoughts of love and light into the realms of the Supreme, 18,000 police forces of the US, the highest echelons of government around the world and into Wall Street. We are also continuing to send the thoughts of restoration, restitution, reparations, riches and wealth to our Native American Brothers and sisters, African American Brothers and sisters, Asian and Hispanic brothers and sisters.

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