Create Today, Evolve Tomorrow



We want to share with you our experiences in life that shape us into the best versions we can be. We explain why we want to start this podcast; to learn and grow and connect with all of you. We are evolving day after day to achieve our dreams. And I know we didn't figure out the importance of mentality and attitude and perspective on our own. It's all because of our experiences, our events in life. The people we surround ourselves with. It is truly a never ending process.Everyone has experiences in life that shape them into the people they are today. Whether that be influences in our lives such as family or friends or individuals that we look up to. We also all have the same common denominator, be the best versions of ourselves we can be. ( I know...we say that a lot) BUT IT'S TRUE. Who doesn't want the best for themselves? And more importantly for others? So this is our story, our experiences and knowledge we have learned in our time. But the best part is, we are all still learning. So, we hope you follow our journey on how we do that. How we all can Create Today, Evolve Tomorrow.


  • Season 1 End

    06/09/2019 Duration: 02min

    Everyone here at Cyde Productions wants to thank you for being apart of our journey! We have learned a lot from this season, getting our feet wet in the podcast game does not mean it pans out the way people want it.But that's the best part! We get to keep evolving, we get to keep growing. So hear is to Season 1! We are excited to keep creating content and keep you updated for Season 2. Here is to the new tomorrow!   Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 019 | The Golden Rule

    05/08/2019 Duration: 26min

    Do you remember that time when you were first told what the "Golden Rule" is? Did someone ever teach you what that actually meant? Is it different than how it was explained here? All in all, treat others the way you wish to be treated. We all seem to forget this as time moves on in our lives. But it is always the best to see people practice these small acts of kindness, or giving genuine compliments to people to brighten the day. All of these things are based on the golden rule, we want to all be treated well. Let's not forget this, we are all human.      Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 018 | Small Victories

    22/07/2019 Duration: 31min

    People get caught up in all forms of what our life consists of. Wether it is work, personal relationships, hobbies, family, education and ect. So many things we have going on in our life can create foggy vision. We miss things and we do not give the attention to the small wins to keep us going. Those small wins we overlook because we are so caught up in trying to go after the big overall objective. But those are the small things that give us that confidence to keep striving for all that we want to do. So don't forget that.     Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 017 | Living at the Finish Line

    02/07/2019 Duration: 32min

    We all go through our days thinking action to action, task to task, day to day. We have these goals and dreams and ambitions and know what we want our end goals to be. We all have our finish lines of where our journey ends for what we want. That is us living there, we are living at our finish lines. We are living and working towards our goals to be at that end goal. But you cannot give up, you cannot be lazy and not work towards what you want. Now think, what do you need to do to become that person at the finish line?

  • 016 | Thinking for Yourself

    11/06/2019 Duration: 31min

    We all want to be there for the individuals in our life, maybe you can think of others out there that you don't even know of. Thinking for yourself doesn't mean you have to cut out the world or you cannot do things for others. But we owe it to ourselves to be able to give us the opportunity to grow, to fully understand what we want. What we are all capable, but we cannot get there unless we think for ourselves. Being able to take the chances, whether people agree or not. Whatever it is that you want you have to go after it yourself.     Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 015 | Misery Loves Company

    03/06/2019 Duration: 38min

    Isn't it weird that in life when something bad happens or when someone does something wrong, we tend to focus more on that than people who do good things. Or scenarios or situations in life that happen to us, we cannot forget the bad. Yet we never give ourselves the credit for all the good we do. Whatever happens in life, whether its people that have a negative impact or situations in life that seem to never go right. Misery loves company.    Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 014 | Things You Can't Control

    28/05/2019 Duration: 28min

    Often in our lifetimes we're distracted by events in which we have no control over. It's up to us to dictate how every day will turn out. In this episode, we discuss the power in being able to dominate your day by keeping tunnel vision until the finish line. We all like to believe we're in control until the moment we're not.  We all react differently to the life around us, but it's our responsibility to achieve our milestones in the end. Every day is a journey within itself, a lot can happen within 24 hours. What keeps you focused on the bigger picture?   Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • BONUS | Matt Knee Interview

    25/05/2019 Duration: 43min

    Who is Matt Knee? That's what we dive into during this episode. Matt is the founder of MyCompanyWorks, Inc. He is also the author of Startups Made Simple: How to Start, Grow, and Systemize Your Dream Business. In his book he covers what he calls "the Founder Superpowers," which is a collection of skills and habits found in entrepreneurs through his own experience.    Matt goes into depth on his five favorite "superpowers" that he has observed in others. He helps us understand how to get to where we are going by practicing fundamental behaviors that enhance our personalities and daily lives. What are some "superpowers" you've observed within yourself?    Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 013 | Being Proud

    20/05/2019 Duration: 34min

    What does it mean for you to be proud? Is it something you're happy about because you accomplished a goal? Are you proud of your friends because of the impact they have made on you? Are you proud of the people you come from whether experience is good or bad, that has shaped you into the person you have become? We have so many aspects in life that show us it is never good enough. But above all, you have to be proud of you. If you're not there yet, then thats ok. Address the situation and do what you can to change that.   Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 012 | Shut Up & Listen

    13/05/2019 Duration: 25min

    One of hardest things people learn at any age. It doesn't matter whether you are a young child, 2nd year of college, to 60-70 years old. We all have our relationships in life where we want to be there and give advice or input and guidance or just want to learn. But we have the hard time with not always being right. But most importantly people just want to be heard. And you have no idea what kind of power that can give someone and you.   Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 011 | Preparing Yourself PT. 2

    06/05/2019 Duration: 35min

    It doesn't matter how old you are, whether you are in your early teens and you are preparing for high school. Or wether you are in high school you are preparing for what college you want to get into. Or maybe your life as you knew it flipped upside down and you are starting right over. Who ever you are, no matter the situation you can always prepare for the future. Setting goals, listening and learning from others that have successfully done what they have wanted to do. Maybe just trying something new that you had no idea you enjoyed. Sometimes you just have to risk it for the biscuit.   Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • BONUS | Bobbbaaaay Interview

    04/05/2019 Duration: 49min

    For this week’s bonus interview Mitchell and Marco were able to pick apart Bobby Hobert’s brain also known by his alias Bobbbayyy. He is the host of the podcast “Purpose in the Youth.” In this interview he explains how he moved from the east coast to the west. We get the opportunity to hear the unique story of his upbringing and what has influenced him. Within that story he goes into depth of what made him come up with the idea of starting his own podcast.   His podcast has now surpassed 120 episodes; averaging an episode every week for the past two years. That discipline has brought him to where he is today. He is proud to admit that he drives for Uber and tells stories about his adventures. Get to know who the real Bobbbaaay is through this interview.     Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 010 | Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

    29/04/2019 Duration: 33min

    Stepping out of your comfort zone is the name of the game. Putting yourself in awkward and uncomfortable situations is what pushes us to reach our full potential. Mitchell and Marco discuss their own experiences and what it means to be comfortable. Uncomfortable situations are what have made these two into who they are today. Each day is a journey and they make sure to put themselves in scenarios they normally wouldn't in order to learn and grow.     Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • BONUS | Big Dipper Dough Interview

    28/04/2019 Duration: 36min

    We follow along with Austin Groesser the CEO of Big Dipper Cookie Dough to find out how the young man went from High School to Fire Fighter to CEO of Big Dipper Cookie Dough. We learn about how his events in life and influence from his grandfather and father who had their own business gave him the itch to start his own.  Starting with about 170 different recipes and narrowing it down to 1, starting locally in Traverse City in now 18 different states and 1,100 stores! He is making his way to giving the world and EDIBLE EGG FREE cookie dough!    Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 009 | Preparing Yourself

    22/04/2019 Duration: 28min

    Surrounding yourself with the right people, being able to write down your goals, break them down into short term or long term. Plan daily what it takes to obtain the short term to make the long term. Have your branches on the tree, things you enjoy doing or things you want to explore. That gives you the opportunity to branch out and try new things to see what you could be passionate about. You never know, you might set yourself up for the future you didn't know existed. What helps you prepare for the future? WE WANT TO KNOW! EMAIL US!!    Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • BONUS | Lawrence Lee/Viral Visionaries Interview

    20/04/2019 Duration: 34min

    In this interview we dive in with Lawrence Lee founder of Viral Visionaries on how he has been able to accomplish all that he's done. From photography gigs to filming club life in Chicago to daily vlogging with Christian Guzman! He has turned what he has learned and evolved that into creating Viral Visionaries!   We start from what he did at a young age and what brought him to the opportunities he has created, to how that has evolved to helping brands like Alphalete, Ever Forward, 3D Energy and other big name brands! A lot to take away so I hope you take his advice and go after what you want in this world!    Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 008 | Patience

    15/04/2019 Duration: 30min

    Patience is something that you never master, patience will always be something that you work on for the rest of your life. You may be patient is certain areas in life. Then an experience or a task or event happens in life and tests you. And you never thought it would, but you learned from that. There is a take away whether you see it off the bat or not. But we all learn in our own ways. Marco and Mitchell talk about life instances that are happening in daily life. Nothing crazy nothing out of the ordinary, but daily life. How do you all execute patience in your daily life?

  • 007 | Vulnerability

    08/04/2019 Duration: 27min

    The magic question I feel like we ponder when it comes to people in our lives. Who can we be vulnerable with, how can we let ourselves become that vulnerable? All of these things happen in our lives and yet a lot of us don't know how to let people in. Or let it out for our own sake. We talk about things that we have experienced and how we have gone about being vulnerable to ourselves and the people in our lives. But, if you are having troubles know that you are not alone. People are here for you, people will listen. Will you give that ability to yourself though?   Host contact information:   Instagram Tags

  • 006 | Creating Your Own Happiness

    01/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    When you realize what is going on in life and you think to yourself, "what am I doing to make myself happy"? What can you do to find out what your passions are and see what may be your next thing? We talk about some experiences we have had in life that made us think what we value, what we have been doing with our time and how we reflect on that. And what we have done to find something we are truly happy about. We all deserve happiness, and we all find it in different ways. But most importantly, we find it in our own time. Never be discouraged to find new things, no one is going to create your own happiness but you. Let us know, what have you done to create your own happiness? Email us at!   Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

  • 005 | Adversity

    25/03/2019 Duration: 30min

    What does adversity mean to you? What does it mean to persevere through things that you have gone though in life? I think that is one of the most important things is to realize what we have in our lives. What are we trying to accomplish in our days? What things have happened in life that have set you back? We all have our own definitions of adversity and what it means to us. What have you all done to overcome your adversity? LET US KNOW!   Host contact information:   Reach out to us! We WANT to hear from you!

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