Ocean Pancake Podcast



The Ocean Pancake Podcast is a focus on conservation, sustainability and diving into the conversation with fellow eco-warriors.


  • 70 Giant Kelp Forests can grow half a meter per year with Dr Scott Bennett

    15/05/2024 Duration: 08min

    Why are giant kelp forests so important to our ecosystems? What can we do to help protect them? Dr Scott Bennett shares his insights as one of the founders of the Great Southern Reef foundation and a Marine Scientist at the University of Tasmania.

  • 70: You're living in a Kelp Country and do not even know it with Dr Aaron Eger

    26/03/2024 Duration: 08min

    Did you know we live in Kelp country? That you can eat all kelp? That Giant Kelp is the home to thousands of species yet 95% of the Giant Kelp Forests have gone missing in Tasmania. In this mini series featuring Tasmania's Giant Kelp, Dr Aaron Eger shares a snippet of his knowledge. We also now have a Youtube Channel!

  • 69: Great White Shark Life and Death with Doctor Heather Bowlby

    04/01/2023 Duration: 37min

    Great White Sharks have gripped the pop culture mindset since the release of JAWS. Now they're the most feared and revered apex predators in our ocean. Doctor Heather Bowlby has been studying Great White Shark life cycles, mortality, and populations in Canada for the past several years. What is a Great White Shark Lifeline? What are the Mortality rates? How do we study Great White Sharks? Why are they crucial to our ocean ecosystems.

  • 68 First Coral Spawning from Outplanted Corals by Reef Restoration Foundation

    16/11/2022 Duration: 35min

    Growing coral from fragments to mature corals that are reproductively viable is one of the core missions of Reef Restoration Foundation. How do they choose what corals they will grow in their nurseries? How do they know where to outplant them? How can people join in and contribute? Ryan, the CEO of Reef Restoration Foundation joins us for a special episode to discuss the first-ever coral spawning on the Great Barrier Reef from corals that have been grown and outplanted by Reef Restoration Foundation. Building resilience on our reefs to protect them from future bleaching events is one of the key goals of RFF.

  • 67 How Ocean Plastic Recovery is an on going battle with Honest Ocean

    02/11/2022 Duration: 41min

    What makes someone passionate about removing plastic from our production chains? Is it possible to create sustainable alternatives to plastic? Why is plastic so ubiquitous in our world? How do different countries deal with plastic? Are we really recycling it? These are just some of the many questions Katt from Ocean Pancake and Tom from Honest Ocean discuss in todays episode. The Ocean Plastic Recovery has a long way to go, but Honest Oceans is dedicated in creating a cyclical industry with more transparency in consumer products. Removing Ocean Plastic from the sea is really hard, and Tom explains all the costs and steps to cleaning up our seas.

  • 66 How to Become a Scientific Illustrator with Janavi Kramer

    12/09/2022 Duration: 37min

    How is scientific illustration different from creative art? What animal in the ocean is the most inspirational for artists? How to become a scientific illustrator with Janavi Kramer? How does someone become an ocean storyteller? How does art help up protect our oceans?

  • 65 Why is Coral Restoration crucial Patricia Zwolinski?

    17/08/2022 Duration: 35min

    Why are coral reefs so crucial to the health of our planet? How does coral restoration help remote communities? What are the problems facing our reefs? What is being done to protect and bring back healthy reefs? In this episode of Ocean Pancake Podcast, Patricia Zwolinski is a Master's student and an eager ocean conservationist chats about all things coral reefs in the Philippines and Florida. Patricia believes in education and collaborating between different individuals to strengthen our understanding and connection with the ocean. Learn all about NGOs and how outreach can help our world's marine systems.

  • 64 All About Aquarium diving with Fully Submerged

    03/08/2022 Duration: 35min

    How does Tiktok help with marine conservation? How can creating connections with our audience help bring people to scuba diving? How does someone get involved in Aquarium aquaculture? Are Aquariums a positive thing for conservation? How Olivia from Fully Submerged joins the Ocean Pancake Podcast to share her experience as an Aquarium Safety Diver and a Staff Instructor. Katt and Olivia chat about all things instructor life, what it's like quitting the dive industry and scuba diving for fun.

  • 63 How Polar Regions and their Micro Organisms are crucial in Climate with Emily Chen

    06/07/2022 Duration: 35min

    How do polar regions impact our climate? What microorganisms are hiding beneath the surface? How come polar tourism has increased so much in the past few years? and What jobs can you do to help our planet that are not science? Emily Chen joins us today taking a break from her PHD work at the Ocean Institute in Poland to discuss her passions for mixing social and hard sciences. She is an advocate for collaborative thinking in face of the wicked problems of marine conservation and climate change. She shares her experience on her academic journey, the fascinating project she is working on and some insights into polar science.

  • 62 How Tickling Seagrass Can Help Restore a Marine Ecosystem with Tania Douthwaite

    29/06/2022 Duration: 39min

    How does freediving contribute to conservation? How does community work together to boost sustainability? How does tickling seagrass help replant seagrass meadows? Tania Douthwaite from Blueback Freediver and Yoga, Ozfish Seeds for Seagrass and the Fremantle Film festival joins us on Ocean Pancake to share her knowledge and wisdom about how the community is key to building sustainable marine systems.

  • 61 Laura in Waterland from Shopaholic to Conscious Consumer?

    08/06/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    How much waste do we really create? Can we live in modern society in a concious manner? How do we tackle consumerism and climate grief? Laura in Waterland used to be a shoppaholic. Could you believe that? I hardly could. After some soul searching and research, she transformed her view of materialism to become a concious consumer. Now she is a driver of change and an ocean activist that reminds us every day, that little things when combined can make a difference. In this episode, we catch up with Laura (she was on episode 8) and what she has been working on for the past few years.

  • 60 Walk the UKs coast for Marine Science with Plover Rovers

    12/07/2021 Duration: 46min

    Do you love walking and talking about Science? Scott Chavi took the quarantine situation in the UK and turned it into a country wide Non for Profit. The Plover Rovers is an organization that has scientists and science students walk the coast of the United Kingdom to raise awareness and community knowledge about our coasts/ With the four prong approach, Plover Rovers focus on Heritage and Storytelling, Science Communication, Art and Emotion, in addition to activism. Learn how you can get involved and use the collaboration between individuals to protect our coasts.

  • 59 : How Women Mind the Water uses storytelling to Protect Oceans

    28/06/2021 Duration: 40min

    Women Mind the Water is an organisation to high light the stories of women and the ocean. Pam Ferris used her many skills and connections to build a community of ocean loving women to promote our seas. Through stories, art, and collaboration Pam highlights the amazing work female ocean activists do in their own communities to share the love for the ocean. With designs featuring famous sea animals, Women Mind the Water is a podcast and place to bring people with the same mission together.

  • 58: Why seagrass is vital to slow Climate Change with Mark Parry

    14/06/2021 Duration: 48min

    Why is seagrass crucial for our planets natural carbon cycle? How do we protect the biodiversity of seagrass? How is seagrass affected by fertilizer? What can we do to help protect our coastal environments? In todays episode with Mark Parry who is the Development Officer at the Ocean Conservation Trust, we chat about all things seagrass. This has been one of the head projects that focuses on education, conservation, and collaboration. Seagrass has recently gained some notoriety and is finally getting the attention it deserves. While it may not be as topical or well known within conservation as Coral Reefs, the Ocean Conservation trust has worked with scientists and divers to create citizen science projects and improve our knowledge and understanding of the sea.

  • 57 The Problem With Seaspiracy From An Ocean Activist

    26/04/2021 Duration: 24min

    This podcast is a repost from the Youtube channel Ocean Pancake. I wanted to share my thoughts on the recent documentary named Seaspiracy that has been making waves since it has appeared on Netflix. Did the documentary accurately present facts? Did it put blame on the correct parties? Did it provide achievable solutions to the problems facing our oceans? This podcast is the problem with Seaspiracy from an ocean activist. As a conclusion the problem is it's very nuanced and cannot be solved by one solution. We should all start by not eating fish and continue to vote for the future we want to live in.

  • 56 How to Find work in Marine Conservation with Wise Oceans

    29/03/2021 Duration: 42min

    How do you find work in ocean conservation? Are there internships and job opportunities available? How should people get involved if they want to help the sea? These are just some of the topics we cover with Abbie Hine from Wise Oceans. This incredible woman has built a business in ocean conservation and has dedicated the past 10 years of her life to help others do the same. With her projects spanning the world and encompassing education, coral plantations, and science communication her work is exactly what we need more of. Even in a Covid world, there are still chances for you to get involved and learn from people like her.

  • 55 How art can turn into ocean activism with Janina Rossiter

    15/03/2021 Duration: 47min

    Janina is a self-proclaimed activist that has turned her passion for art into action for the ocean. Do you love reading ocean-inspired books to your children? Or admiring mesmerizing fine art? Because Janina Rossiter's journey includes self-published books for children, working together with schools, and spreading the plight of our oceans through social media. Her Instagram is a snapshot of the beauty she creates and her love for the ocean is palpable through her drawings.

  • 54: Stay On The Ground And Quit Flying With Earthwandress

    01/03/2021 Duration: 51min

    Have you considered your carbon footprint? We may look at our driving habits, our food consumption, our plastic use, or purchasing history. However, why is it that so many of us refuse to look at the footprint caused by our travel? Earthwandress decided to ask herself that question, and now lives what she preaches. For the past several years any travel she has undertaken, she has organized by land. Buses, trains, bikes, and abstaining from overseas holidays is how she achieved this. Today we talk about what brought her to this decision, how she does travel, and how else she minimises her carbon footprint. This is an absolute must listen to episode!

  • 53: Horse shoe crabs can boost reef health with Samantha Glover

    15/02/2021 Duration: 40min

    Did you know that improving herbivore numbers on reefs can significantly boost coral reef health? Horse shoe crabs are one of these key species, and they can boost coral growth 3 to 5 times! Samantha Glover takes us through her research and experience with Coral Reefs and Fisheries. In this weeks episode we chat about all things fisheries laws, conservation strategies, and breeding horse shoe crabs!

  • 52 How Social Media is putting Humpback Whales at risk with Endagered Encounters

    14/12/2020 Duration: 41min

    Brenda Cox has been running humpback whale swims for over 14 years in the pristine waters of Vava'u Tonga. In that time she has taken part in creating marine protected areas, gathering data on humpback whale numbers, and giving thousands the joy of experiencing whale encounters. Unfortunately, social media and the rise of selfies has put humpback whales in danger. The large amounts of boats and inappropriate behaviours in the water has caused a decrease in residential whales and altered migratory patterns for mothers and their calves. In this podcast we discuss proper humpback whale interaction etiquette, when things began to change, and how Covid-19 is playing a role.

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