Lead With Impact



Where leaders come to learn how to create a bigger impact in their professional and personal lives. We discuss all things leadership, teamwork, and workplace culture. Beyond that, let's talk about making a positive impact in every facet of our lives.


  • Creating Civil Workplaces with Sejal Thakkar (#93)

    06/07/2021 Duration: 35min

    Creating Civil Workplaces with Sejal Thakkar (#93)   You can connect with Sejal at www.trainxtra.com   You can connect with Brian at www.brianrollo.com

  • Prioritizing Mental Wellness with Joelle Monaco (#92)

    27/01/2021 Duration: 39min

    Joelle Monaco's expertise expands over ten years in organizational development; she possesses extensive experience in planning, directing, and training enhancements for both employee and organizational success. Throughout Joelle’s professional experiences, she utilizes a strength-based approach in employee and organizational management. These experiences provide Joelle the professional opportunities to build the skills and abilities required to lead teams and empower employees to achieve professional and organizational goals while fostering a people-first approach.   SHOW NOTES * Why should companies care about mental health and wellness? * The cost of depression in the workplace * How can companies objectively assess how their employees are doing? * The connection between stress and performance * Leading with a people-first approach * How do we create change? * Do toxic work environments create trauma? * One person can bring down an entire business * The pandemic's effect on mental health * What to do if you

  • Leaders Worth Following with Tim Spiker (#91)

    20/01/2021 Duration: 47min

    Tim Spiker is the founder of The Aperio and the Who* Not What principle, a profound and research-based truth that has powered 15 years of leadership success. Tim’s book, The Only Leaders Worth Following, explores Who* Not What in depth, inviting readers into a journey that can truly change the way they lead—from the inside out.    Tim and his organization help people become, be, and stay leaders who are actually worth* following. Tim’s work includes delivering keynote talks, creating unique and customized learning experiences, and guiding long-term development journeys.     SHOW NOTES * How a marketing open house changed Tim's life * Leadership doesn't have to be painful * The difference between short term and long term results * Being a well-developed person is a whole lot more than just having good character * The effectiveness of your tactics is deeply and statistically significantly impacted by how well developed you are * What does it mean to be a well-developed person? * The 5 1/2 areas of being inwardl

  • The Power of Podcasting with Jessica Rhodes (#90)

    17/01/2021 Duration: 33min

    Jessica Rhodes is the leading expert on how to leverage podcast guesting for increased brand awareness, more leads and higher profits. She created the podcast booking industry in 2013 when she founded Interview Connections, the first and leading agency of its kind.   Along with her business partner, Margy Feldhuhn, Jessica has quickly scaled Interview Connections to over $1M in annual revenue with nearly no direct marketing or advertising. Their team of in house Booking Agents are the podcast powerhouses behind many successful entrepreneurs and businesses including Ali Brown, Perry Marshall, Aweber, USA Financial and more.   Jessica has done hundreds of podcast interviews both as a guest, and co host of Rock the Podcast. She is the acclaimed author of Interview Connections: How to #RockThePodcast From Both Sides of the Mic and has been a featured speaker at Podfest Multimedia Expo and FinCon.   SHOW NOTES * How Jessica started a podcast booking company * Why podcasts are so powerful * Is it too late to start

  • Finding Your Community With Adessa Barker (#89)

    11/12/2020 Duration: 20min

    Wellness coach and attorney Adessa Barker joins me on Lead With Impact to discuss the importance of community on life and leadership as we start a new year.    SHOW NOTES * Many of us lost social compensation * You need to plant your seed in fertile ground * Be bold enough to fight for the life you want * How many people need you vs. how many people feed you? * How to find your community   You can connect with Adessa at www.adessabarker.com   You can connect with Brian at www.brianrollo.com   You can find the 10 Habits of Influential Leaders at https://amzn.to/2J6pmwP   Email brian@brianrollo.com to leave feedback, ask questions, or recommend guests for Lead With Impact.  We'd love to hear from you!   Intro and Outro Music: Rise by Punch Deck

  • Accelerated Leadership with Dean Hallett (#88)

    09/12/2020 Duration: 40min

    This episode features a leadership conversation with Dean Hallett. Dean is most well-known for being the CFO for Fox, where he was a key member of the executive team and instrumental in shaping the overall strategy of the studio. Before that he was the executive vice president and CFO for the Walt Disney studios, where he developed a unique and highly effective leadership training program for early and mid-career managers. In this conversation, we talk about leadership, culture, and what leadership is really like at Disney.   SHOW NOTES * Dean's journey to Disney * How Emotional Intelligence training paid off * The combination of money focus and people focus * How Dean used a collaborative process to win people over * Why the ability to talk people creates opportunity * Improving the Peter Principle * Feedback is the least expensive, most valuable management tool that we have * I will take culture over technical skills any day. * The relationship between money and creativity in the movie business * Get as man

  • Becoming A Go-Giver with Bob Burg (#87)

    24/11/2020 Duration: 32min

    Bob Burg shares how a subtle shift in focus is not only a more uplifting and fulfilling way of conducting business but the most financially profitable way, as well. For 30 years he’s helped companies, sales leaders, and their teams to more effectively communicate their value, sell at higher prices with less resistance, and grow their businesses based on Endless Referrals.   Bob regularly addresses audiences ranging in size from 50 to 16,000 — sharing the platform with notables including today’s top thought leaders, broadcast personalities, Olympic athletes and political leaders including a former United States President.   Although for years he was best known for his book Endless Referrals, over the past few years it’s his business parable, The Go-Giver (coauthored with John David Mann) that has captured the imagination of his readers.   The Go-Giver, a Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek Bestseller, has sold over 975,000 copies. Since its release it has consistently stayed in the Top 25 on Porchlight’s (for

  • Overcoming The Odds with Oleg Lougheed (#86)

    08/11/2020 Duration: 43min

    Oleg Lougheed's start in life was inauspicious. At 9 years old, he relinquished his parents' rights and entered the Russian orphanage. At 12 years old, he decided to be adopted into a new family, in a new country, halfway across the world, to start a new life. At 24 years old, he began his journey of helping others live the life they have always dreamed of, despite their hardships and misfortunes by allowing them to recognize the uniqueness and worth within their own story.
  Today Oleg shares his message about resilience and personal stories in a number of ways, including in his Tedx Talk "How To Overcome Your Odds"   SHOW NOTES * The choice we all have * Oleg's early life challenge * The question that changed Oleg's life * How creativity helped Oleg turn things around * How Michael Jordan inspired Oleg * The importance of being intentional * You don't need to know the how, you just need to know where to start * Rethinking your relationship with rejection * Dealing with negative thoughts * What happens when

  • Writing Your Book with Laura Gale (#85)

    28/10/2020 Duration: 37min

    Laura Gale got her start as a publicist for Hachette, a global publishing house, and worked on projects like the Twilight phenomenon, JK Rowling's post-Harry Potter publications, and the personal memoirs of Michael Palin, Nelson Mandela and Tina Fey. She started Laura Is Writing to help entrepreneurs to write, publish and market books that transform their businesses and leave a legacy they're proud of. She has ghostwritten over 15 books and has helped dozens of authors to edit and market their books. Laura is also the author of 'How To Write This Book: Write, Publish and Market Your Business Bestseller' and 'Content That Converts: How to Build A Profitable and Predictable B2B Content Marketing Strategy'. Both books were bestsellers in Amazon's Marketing category for several months. She is also the co-host of the Business of Writing Podcast.SHOW NOTES* How Laura became a ghostwriter* Creating a writing discipline* Why you should write a book* How to get prepare for writing your book* Using practice to close th

  • Recruiting In The Age of Googlization with Ira Wolfe (#84)

    21/10/2020 Duration: 50min

    Described as a “Millennial trapped in a Baby Boomer body, a “hire authority,” and “certified prophet” of workforce trends, Ira S. Wolfe has emerged as one of HR’s most visionary thinkers.  Ira personifies the passion and mindset required to manage the convergence of the tired, the wired, and technology. His enthusiasm and engaging approach inspires his audience to challenge preconceptions about what it takes to attract, select, manage, and retain top talent and take the initiative to make change for them. Ira is an accomplished speaker/author and President of Success Performance Solutions. He has presented on the prestigious red carpet of TEDx and on the stage of DisruptHR. His first book The Perfect Labor Storm launched him into national prominence. This was followed by Geeks, Geezers, and Googlization. His 2016 TEDx Talk Make Change Work for You became the inspiration for his latest book Recruiting in the Age of Googlization: When the Shift Hits Your Plan.   Wolfe is also a prolific business writer, podcast

  • "Selfie Leadership" with Miranda VonFricken (#83)

    30/09/2020 Duration: 40min

    As a Talent, Culture, & Performance Leader, Miranda VonFricken has led multiple teams to success in the fields of technology, higher education, sales, and human resources. After almost 15 years in the corporate environment she now travels the United States connecting with, coaching, and speaking to those looking to up-level their life, careers, and business!  Passionate about all things personal and professional development; Miranda has been coaching individuals and groups for over 10 years. She creates and conducts workshops on leadership, employee engagement, goal achievement, mindset elevation, personal branding, social selling, and more.  A member of the Forbes Coaching Council, leader of multiple Mastermind groups, and motivational speaker, Miranda has contributed to numerous books, blogs, and podcasts in support her passions and mission.  She is a certified life coach, has a Master’s in Motivation and Professional Development, and is on a mission is to guide people towards their most engaged and pas

  • Diversity Is A Heart Thing with Tonia Morris (#82)

    21/09/2020 Duration: 43min

    Tonia Morris founded Simply HR Inc. with a vision to be the #1 resource for connecting Generations in the Workplace.  As both an accomplished Generation Connector Speaker and Culture Disrupter with 25 years combined experience building strong organizational cultures and Generational Inclusive workplaces.  Tonia has served as executive HR professional for several fortune 100 companies.  Tonia has served as HR advisor on several merger and acquisitions.  Tonia was awarded the 2019 Steve Business Award for “Maverick of the Year” for her work around Generational Inclusiveness. SHOW NOTES:* We are going through a transformation, not a pivot* Defining diversity and inclusion* Diversity is a heart issue* Why heart can be bigger that unconscious bias* Overcoming hesitancy to speak up* How to start the discussion* Transformation vs checking the box* Should we aim to change hearts or behavior?* Why Tonia starts by talking about generational differences* The plight of older workers You can connect with Tonia at www.toni

  • All It Takes Is Work - Sales Success with Duane Cashin (#81)

    19/09/2020 Duration: 40min

    Duane Cashin is a sales expert, author, and professional speaker. In this episode we talk about the psychology of selling, what most people are doing wrong, and how you can guarantee yourself success.   SHOW NOTES: * The three things every sales person must do * How the internet shifted the power in sales * How the traditional sales process was born * Why the will to study separates the good from the great * Learning TITO * The three things you need to know to provide value * "All it takes is work" * What Jerry Rice can teach us about sales * Selling is easy - just give people what they want? * Deciding between sales tactics * Preparing to reach out to a prospect * Every company is looking for new ideas * Bring something to the table all day long * The format of a killer opening statement * The difference between a crowded market and a competitive market * The mental DNA of top sales people * How a need to be liked can kill a sales person * Is sales a good career? * Be willing to catch the bricks * What are y

  • Using Tech to Connect with Brandi Bernoskie (#80)

    13/09/2020 Duration: 34min

    Brandi Bernoskie is a digital strategist, website developer, and founder of Alchemy+Aim and North Star Sites, companies that help entrepreneurs and business owners elevate their online presence and enhance their digital experience. She is an advocate for using technology in ways that humanize, connect and serve people as well as for asking deeper philosophical questions and teaching others to think more broadly about impact when they create, particularly in STEAM fields.   Brandi’s academic background in theatre, philosophy and physics was the perfect foundation for launching Alchemy + Aim, a website strategy and development agency, where her team has worked with thought leaders like Brené Brown, Laverne Cox, Martha Beck, Judy Smith, and Kate Northrup as well as other notable change makers since 2013.   Brandi is a natural connector and business matchmaker, who is always working to help others step into their genius work and leverage the expertise of those around them to achieve new levels of success and comm

  • Making Networking Un-Awkward with Christine Smith (#79)

    11/08/2020 Duration: 53min

    I heard so many great things about my discussion with Christine Smith in Episode 56 that I knew I had to invite her back.  In this conversation we talk about what has and hasn't changed in networking, the importance of mindset, fixing what isn't broken, and much more.   SHOW NOTES: * How has networking changed? * How not to be weird * Remove the friction by being clear and concise * Why it's important to know yourself * Going faster by going slower * It's about mindset, not tactics * The balance between comfort and discomfort * Using stories in your networking * Making networking un-awkward * The best networking question * Being discerning about who you let in   You can learn more about Christine and networking at riplEFX.us You can learn more about Brian at www.brianrollo.com. Email brian@brianrollo.com to leave feedback, ask questions, or recommend guests for Lead With Impact

  • Manage Your Message with Jim Karrh (#78)

    05/08/2020 Duration: 43min

    Manage Your Message With Jim Karrh (#78) Too many professionals today are missing out. They have a lot to offer--but their message isn’t right, or they lack enough messengers to share it, or the entire process seems unmanageable. Jim Karrh offers clients his experience as a consumer researcher, award-winning corporate marketing leader, and now consultant, speaker, and coach to businesses ranging from startups to members of the Fortune 500. Jim is the author of The Science of Customer Connections: Manage Your Message to Grow Your Business (published by Career Press). He is also host of “The Manage Your Message Podcast.”   Jim has an MBA from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, along with bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees from the University of Florida. But Jim also knows you don’t have to be a Ph.D., a professional speaker, an extrovert, or a brilliant conversationalist to bring your own business story to life. You just need to follow a process he calls “Managing Your Message.”     SHOW NOTES

  • Leadership Sense: Strengthen Your Career (#77)

    28/07/2020 Duration: 25min

    This episode features a roundtable discussion about how leaders can protect and strengthen their careers in turbulent times.  What skills should leaders be developing to make sure they are ready for the future?  How important is emotional intelligence in our current environment?  We discuss all of these issues and more.   Joelle’s expertise expands over ten years in organizational development; she possesses extensive experience in planning, directing, and training enhancements for both employee and organizational success. Throughout Joelle’s professional experiences, she utilizes a strength-based approach in employee and organizational management. These experiences provide Joelle the professional opportunities to build the skills and abilities required to lead teams and empower employees to achieve professional and organizational goals while fostering a people-first approach. Joelle received her MBA and BS in Psychology with a minor in Education from the University at Albany, New York.   Tom Schin is an engag

  • Own Your Financial Future with Damion Lupo (#76)

    09/07/2020 Duration: 37min

    Our guest today is best-selling author, entrepreneur, and financial expert Damion Lupo. Damion has written more than 11 books in personal finance and money thinking, he is the host of the Financial Underdogs Podcast, and he is the owner of 50+ companies.   Damion’s newest book Unicornomics lays out the essential pieces required for any budding Unicorn, whether the entrepreneur wants to create a million-dollar or a billion-dollar business. Damion’s secret to outdoing the competition is high tough not high tech and his secret sauce has more to do with mistake volume. More mistakes, faster than the competition - his key to success. Playing by a different set of rules, he even bought his first rental house with a VISA, a move that snowballed into owning 150 rental houses in 7 states in less than 5 years. In 2008 he lost the entire $20 million but recreated his wealth and reinvented his life over 4 transformational years. Today he leads 3 multimillion-dollar global companies with one unified mission - to Free Peop

  • Leadership Sense: Is It Better To Lead By Influence or Fear? (#75)

    06/07/2020 Duration: 27min

    This episode features a roundtable discussion on the issue of leadership approach. Why is better for leaders to lead through influence vs. fear? Why is the reward and punishment model outdated? What effect does leadership have on culture? We discuss all of these issues and more.   Joelle’s expertise expands over ten years in organizational development; she possesses extensive experience in planning, directing, and training enhancements for both employee and organizational success. Throughout Joelle’s professional experiences, she utilizes a strength-based approach in employee and organizational management. These experiences provide Joelle the professional opportunities to build the skills and abilities required to lead teams and empower employees to achieve professional and organizational goals while fostering a people-first approach. Joelle received her MBA and BS in Psychology with a minor in Education from the University at Albany, New York.   Tom Schin is an engagement and culture enthusiast with 25 years

  • Marketing Mastery with Dawnna St. Louis (#74)

    04/07/2020 Duration: 52min

    Today's episode is dedicated to uncovering the truth about successful marketing.  What are most organizations getting wrong? What's the three step method to marketing success?  What five people are we always marketing to?  International keynote speaker Dawnna St. Louis and I discuss all of this and more.   Being in the presence of Dawnna's energetic and bigger-than-life personality, you’d never guess that she pulled herself from the depths of depression, crawled out of homelessness, and built a $250M business intelligence company. Besides being a business owner and author, Dawnna has solidified herself as a conference headlining keynote speaker whose name is pretty much synonymous with audacity.   SHOW NOTES * How Dawnna is different * Why Knowing Your Why is so important * Dawnna's journey from homelessness to business success * Why expertise isn't enough * What are we getting wrong about marketing? * The difference between marketing and advertising * The two factors driving your market's desires * The three

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