The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald Kelly



The Sales Evangelist: Sales Training|Speaking|Business Marketing|Donald


  • TSE 113: How Differentiating Ourselves Gave Us a 1,811% Growth Rate!

    12/02/2015 Duration: 37min

    How do you differentiate yourself? In this episode, Aaron Brown of Box Home Loans talks about the importance of focusing on yu ideal customers and doing things differently and setting yourself apart from the pack if you TRULY want to achieve HUGE, TREMENDOUS SUCCESS. Aaron has a dozen different ventures within the mortgage industry. Some […] The post TSE 113: How Differentiating Ourselves Gave Us a 1,811% Growth Rate! appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 112: “I Already Have A Vendor, I’m Not Interested.”

    11/02/2015 Duration: 09min

    Pretty much you’ve come across this line at one point in your sales career one way or another. “I already have a vendor, I’m not interested.” What do you do when your prospect tells you this? If you’re the type of person who runs away from uncomfortable situations like this,  I want to help you […] The post TSE 112: “I Already Have A Vendor, I’m Not Interested.” appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 111: Corporate Selling v.s. Entrepreneurial Selling

    06/02/2015 Duration: 39min

    During this interview, I was honored to interview Niel Guilarte about his experience in selling for a corporation to now as an entrepreneur. With over 25 years of sales experience, Niel has worked for large organizations such as AT&T, Sprint and OfficeMax in the capacity as a sales professional, sales training and marketing. Niel is currently […] The post TSE 111: Corporate Selling v.s. Entrepreneurial Selling appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 110: TSE Sales Coaching Bootcamp-“Outwork Yourself”

    03/02/2015 Duration: 09min

    This is the Sales Evangelist Coaching Bootcamp! The 20% top performers bring in 80% of the business. They do, think, and work different. They use a different methodology than the 80% average sellers. Here are some coaching tips to get you moving and get results: Outwork yourself. Do one more call. You might get in […] The post TSE 110: TSE Sales Coaching Bootcamp-“Outwork Yourself” appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 109: Become An Ultra Performing Seller By Procrastinating on Purpose

    30/01/2015 Duration: 29min

    Folks… get ready to be BLOWN AWAY! I’ve got to warn you ahead that this episode has got loads (and I mean LOADS) of information that you can take away from and apply, not only to your own business or job or career, but in all other areas of your life. I personally have tried […] The post TSE 109: Become An Ultra Performing Seller By Procrastinating on Purpose appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 108: 6 Things You Must Do To Gain Maximum Results From Networking Events

    27/01/2015 Duration: 12min

    Find the right event to go to It has to be close to your niche and mutually beneficial for you to go. Spend your time wisely. Look at trade organizations where your ideal customers are. Limit the amount of events you go to Less is more. Focus on the best ones. 2-3 would be ideal. […] The post TSE 108: 6 Things You Must Do To Gain Maximum Results From Networking Events appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 107: 6 Things Every Seller Must Do To Stay Highly Motivated

    23/01/2015 Duration: 45min

    Brace yourself guys! This episode comes with an explosive, wealth of really good, motivating and happy information. Being his second time on the show, Ralph Quintero talks about the power of storytelling to achieve success in sales, the key aspects or fundamentals of being a good salesperson, turning so-called failures into positive things, surrounding yourself […] The post TSE 107: 6 Things Every Seller Must Do To Stay Highly Motivated appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 106: Find Unbelievable Success In Sales By Creating Your Own Rain!

    20/01/2015 Duration: 12min

    Here are some of the major take-away from this episode: Create your own rain by organizing local events  Find a local restaurant that does not have a lot of foot traffic on a weekday evening. Connect with the manager about doing a local meet up where you will bring in a set amount of guests. […] The post TSE 106: Find Unbelievable Success In Sales By Creating Your Own Rain! appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 105: Expanding Your Sales Into The International Market

    16/01/2015 Duration: 31min

    Looking into expanding and growing your company and entering into international markets? Well, it is not that easy. A few important factors have to be considered such as culture, keeping your brand identity and the challenges associated with marketing beyond borders. My guest for today is giving us invaluable information about these. A police officer […] The post TSE 105: Expanding Your Sales Into The International Market appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 104: Secret Nuggets In Lost Opportunities

    14/01/2015 Duration: 09min

    No, sometimes you are going to get this from a customer. Even worse sometimes the deal you have been working on for months will be awarded to another company. To most sellers this is devastating news. No one wants to get rejected, much less lose a deal. But in these situations, there is a golden question […] The post TSE 104: Secret Nuggets In Lost Opportunities appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 103: Selling In The New Luxury Market

    09/01/2015 Duration: 28min

    You’d probably think catering to the luxury market is all glitz and glamor. But the more you’re getting paid, the more is expected of you to bring great value to the table. In today’s episode, Marley Majcher, the events planner to the biggest stars and celebrities, shares with us some tips in dealing with the […] The post TSE 103: Selling In The New Luxury Market appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 102: Why Selling Into LARGE Accounts Is Better Than Small Accounts.

    06/01/2015 Duration: 12min

    In this episode I share my personal thoughts on why I feel selling into LARGE accounts is better than smaller ones. I’ve had the privilege of working with both and the overwhelming conclusion came to me that large accounts were so much more worth it. Why? Because of the fact that large accounts and small […] The post TSE 102: Why Selling Into LARGE Accounts Is Better Than Small Accounts. appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 101: Conquer Your Fear, Stop Procrastinating, Make More Sales!

    02/01/2015 Duration: 27min

    Have you already created a vision in your life and business? In this episode, our special guest Ray Higdon talks about the power of creating that vision to advance you to your success. Years ago, Ray Higdon decided to go the entrepreneur way. He got sick of working for someone else and spending more time […] The post TSE 101: Conquer Your Fear, Stop Procrastinating, Make More Sales! appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 100: Sales Healthy Part 3: “Results Will Come Over Time!”

    31/12/2014 Duration: 11min

    This is the last of the three-part series of Sales Healthy in getting started with this upcoming new year, 2015, as we talk about things we can do to get started and to see some success, goals and visions we can implement. Just a quick recap, in our first episode, we talked about just getting […] The post TSE 100: Sales Healthy Part 3: “Results Will Come Over Time!” appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 099: Getting Sales Healthy Part 2: “Focus & Set Incremental Goals!”

    30/12/2014 Duration: 08min

    This is part two of what I have learned from my crazy running experience, which actually ties into the concept of sales. And I think this would be an opportune time to discuss this matter considering how we all love to make New Year’s resolutions and goals for the coming year. And so you set […] The post TSE 099: Getting Sales Healthy Part 2: “Focus & Set Incremental Goals!” appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 098: Getting Sales Healthy Part 1: “Getting Started”

    29/12/2014 Duration: 10min

    Christmas was here and now it is gone. Man did we have a great Christmas! We hope you did as well. As the New Year starts we tend to start off a list of resolutions that we want to accomplish for the coming year. During this episode I will share an experience I had, just […] The post TSE 098: Getting Sales Healthy Part 1: “Getting Started” appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 097: One Simple Activity That Will Increase Your Post Sale Effectiveness!

    29/12/2014 Duration: 12min

    Statements of work (SOW). That is the one simple activity that can increase your post sales effectiveness and also help you tremendously in your prospecting efforts. I know, it sounds simple and is a basic activity but it’s the simple activities that will make the world of difference between the top performers and mediocre sellers. […] The post TSE 097: One Simple Activity That Will Increase Your Post Sale Effectiveness! appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 096: Things You Must Do To Protect Yourself When Selling Online!

    24/12/2014 Duration: 37min

    Content, content, content – there’s a lot of talk about that. You need to post photos, videos, and other visuals to build your online presence. So you decided to post something on your website and use a photo that you got from one of your Google searches. And voila! The next thing you know you […] The post TSE 096: Things You Must Do To Protect Yourself When Selling Online! appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 094: Three Unconventional Ways To Find More Clients!

    16/12/2014 Duration: 42min

    Kimanzi Constable is an author, speaker, business coach, Amazon bestseller, co-host of Starve the Doubts podcast and just an awesome guy! Today Kimanzi shares with us how you, as an individual seller or an entrepreneur , can find unique ways to get more clients and more business than just picking up the phone and doing […] The post TSE 094: Three Unconventional Ways To Find More Clients! appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

  • TSE 093: Why Breaking Promises With Buyers Will Hurt Your Sales Every time.

    10/12/2014 Duration: 13min

    During this episode I will go over why breaking promises with your clients or prospects will hurt your business. Why breaking promises will hurt you: People will buy from those they know, like and trust. But when you break your promises, you start losing their trust. Think about how you feel when someone breaks a […] The post TSE 093: Why Breaking Promises With Buyers Will Hurt Your Sales Every time. appeared first on The Sales Evangelist.

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