Delight Your Marriage



Hi, I'm Belah. Discover with me the secrets to an incredible marriage and physical intimacy in it! Join in as I interview inspiring and amazing wives and intimacy experts who share stories of their difficulties, joys, relationship advice and secrets to a lasting marriage. I ask each guest to share advice about sexual intimacy as well! Listen in to find out how long-time wives have kept the fun, peace and passion alive!


  • 144-The Discipline of "No"

    02/05/2017 Duration: 46min

    Though our culture says you can "do it all". The truth is life is about trade offs. We have limits in this life, and in order to ensure those which are off most priority are accomplished, we have to say no to the good to say yes to the best.  Today's topic goes into this in depth. Why does it matter to your marriage? Physical intimacy, emotional intimacy and spiritual intimacy all need to take priority while most others need to take a back seat or no seat at all. How do you decide that? Lets chat together. And I also share how I believe God is teaching me these vital lessons and how it affects DYM. Resources:  Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

  • 143-S: Rely On God For Your Marriage with Juana Mikels

    25/04/2017 Duration: 23min

    Hi there! Belah here. Today, I have with me Juana Mikels of Juana shares in Part I the very difficult beginning to her marriage. But she shares in this episode that things still require her to rely on God. She says she depends on God's grace in her husband to be the leader of her family. Listen in as she shares insights around what keeps her trusting God and allowing Him to use her even while feeling faithless...God is faithful.

  • 142-J1: You Have This Man by Juana Mikels

    18/04/2017 Duration: 42min

    Hi there! Belah here. Today, I have with me Juana Mikels of Juana is a wife and mother of 4; her youngest daughter was born blind. She shares about her marriage that almost fell apart. Neither were believers when they married. It's an incredible story of how they were separated for a long time and what God did to bring them back together. Juana encourages us to honor and cherish the man He has given us.

  • 141-Oral Sex Is Not Dirty. Or Is It? with Belah Rose

    11/04/2017 Duration: 29min

    Hi there! Belah here and it's just me this time. I talk about the taboo topic of Oral Sex. Yes, we need to start talking about this. And answering questions, like is it: bad? wrong? gross? And what does it mean to your marriage. And more importantly what does it mean to your husband. Listen in to hear why I think it is dirty and the change that needs to be made. You'll probably be surprised at my responses about it. Check out to sign up for the webinar happening where I get very specific! (Only open to wives!)

  • Oops! (Sexual Respect)

    04/04/2017 Duration: 01min
  • 140-S: Sexual Respect v2 with Belah Rose

    04/04/2017 Duration: 38min

    Ever feel like your sex is taken for granted? Ever feel like your sexual desires are not even acknowledged, much less honored? Today I'm talking about how to approach this and understand where you can take responsibility for receiving sexual respect. And understand how to also respect your husband's sexuality.

  • 139-J2: Doing Conflict Better with Beth Steffaniak

    28/03/2017 Duration: 42min

    Part II: Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. But what about when we do get angry, when we do speak and when we don't listen? Well, lets talk about how to do this better. We can all find healthier ways to process afterwards or avoid from the beginning. Beth is sharing with us on the second half of her Journey interview how they learned to fight well and what steps and tools they use to make sure their conflicts draw them closer rather than tear them apart.

  • 138-J1: Overcome Insecurity With Vulnerability with Beth Steffaniak

    21/03/2017 Duration: 36min

    Part I: If you've felt insecure about yourself, you know the icky feeling that hangs around and corrodes you from the inside. In marriage its lethal, because you and your spouse are trying to put up a facade and it just brings distance. It robs you both of the connectedness you're meant to share. Today's guest shares how she started out very insecure in her marriage. Conflict would scare her and she felt that if she were honest with him, he'd reject her. Their marriage had a rocky journey and she credits God for bringing them through, otherwise she said they'd probably be divorced. And now they're about to celebrate their 30 year anniversary! Hear how they made it through, and what she's learned.

  • 137-T: Orgasm--Discover Your Body with J Parker

    14/03/2017 Duration: 36min

    What You'll Discover: How to surrender to pleasure and feel that entirely Learn to feel you deserve to orgasm Does it make you feel too sexual? Do you feel selfish? Do you feel sex is just for him? How to have a "Discovery Session" with your husband Give yourself permission to learn What daily practices you can do that will help in the moment What ideas you can try in the bedroom to get there

  • 136-S: 10 Keys To A Peaceful Marriage with Belah Rose

    07/03/2017 Duration: 48min

    Peace is a vital element to the life God wants for us. If you have strife in your marriage, I have been there and I pray this will give you hope and tools to get it turned around. These are the keys I've learned that have made my marriage so much more peaceful than I ever would have imagined.

  • 135-J2: Loving Through Health Challenges (Part 2) with Julie Dibble

    28/02/2017 Duration: 29min

    Part 2: What she thought was just a simple surgery from a chest injury turned into a year of serving and fear and all semblance of control being taken. The threat of her husband’s death and his needing constant help shaped her in ways she didn’t expect. Julie Dibble has walked a hard road in the most difficult challenge of her marriage. But she remembers a quote “A great work requires a great and careful training”. God she believes has trained her through this. But it’s not over and she’s still fighting to be surrendered to God’s plan over her own, every day. Listen in to find inspiration and hope in the journey ahead.   Discover the show notes and many more resources at

  • 134-J1: Loving Through Health Challenges (Part 1) with Julie Dibble

    21/02/2017 Duration: 42min

    What she thought was just a simple surgery from a chest injury turned into a year of serving and fear and all semblance of control being taken. The threat of her husband's death and his needing constant help shaped her in ways she didn't expect. Julie Dibble has walked a hard road in the most difficult challenge of her marriage. But she remembers a quote "A great work requires a great and careful training". God she believes has trained her through this. But it's not over and she's still fighting to be surrendered to God's plan over her own, every day. Listen in to find inspiration and hope in the journey ahead.

  • 133-T: Orgasm-Encouragement For The PreOrgasmic Wife with Bonny Burns

    14/02/2017 Duration: 46min

    If you've ever felt like you were the only one not experiencing the ecstasies of sex, you are not alone. I've been there and at least 1/4 of women don't experience orgasm. BUT they can. And today we're talking about how and tips to get you there. It is probably a process but there's a lot of information that will help you get there on this show. Listen in.

  • 132-S: The Most Important Part Of Amazing Intimacy with Belah Rose

    07/02/2017 Duration: 51min

    Why is amazing intimacy so important? Why should your sex-life be amazing? How do you make your sex life as exciting as it's displayed in our culture? The biggest barrier for women to amazing intimacy Why your attitude matters What your attitude means to your him Actions to take to become sexually free Why it matters to God for you to have an amazing sex life for the shownotes

  • 131-T: Husbands: How To Make Love To Your Wife with Ruth Buezis

    31/01/2017 Duration: 46min

    She and her husband teach a class to help husbands understand how to love their wife better. Here's her practical advice for men in the bedroom. Ruth Buezis helps men understand women's hearts and their bodies and how those interact. Generally men are expected to be experts in the sex department, but there's so much misinformation and inappropriate stereotypes. She says that men really do want to know what to do. She compares the specific equipment of men's bodies with the female genitalia and shares the parallels in sensation and how to use them.   See all the show notes at

  • 130-J2: Healing A Marriage From Porn Addiction (Part 2) with Lynn Marie Cherry

    24/01/2017 Duration: 39min

    Lynn shares in this second half of her interview, about how she healed from the porn addiction of her husband. She says you can forgive an addict too quickly and she tells us what forgiveness really is. She talks about how God walked her through the most challenging time in her life and what changed in her as a result. They survived to 25 years of marriage and it's become sweet. She also shares sexual intimacy tips that will help any listen in!   Check out for all the shownotes!

  • 128-T: Orgasm--Focus On Your Body with Keelie Reason

    10/01/2017 Duration: 45min

    This is the 3rd installment of our Orgasm Series (click to check out the rest). For far too many women, orgasm is not a source of pleasure and joy it should be. Today's show is talking candidly about how to orgasm, what it takes to orgasm, what can disrupt your orgasm and what you should focus on to orgasm. My guest Keelie Reason gives a great amount of insight and help and you don't want to miss it, listen in! Find all the shownotes at

  • 127-J2: Marriage: To Be Holy (Not Just Happy) with Kim Olachea

    27/12/2016 Duration: 30min

    What is the purpose of marriage? Many people think its happiness. Once that purpose is not being fulfilled many marriages fail. Certainly there are times when marriage is wonderfully happy. But, as every married man and woman knows, there are also times where it is just plain difficult. Today we have the second half of Kim Olachea's interview where she shares the principle things God taught her through her 37-year marriage. She has lived out the notion that God makes us more holy through our marriage, even when we're not necessarily happy.   Find out all the shownotes at

  • 126-J1: Marriage With Disabilities with Kim Olachea

    20/12/2016 Duration: 32min

    When you got married, you really didn't know who you were marrying. Maybe you knew some things and probably loved them. But as time passes you learned more and more. And as time passes some things change. Illnesses, disorders and disabilities sometimes become reality in marriage. How do you deal with these challenges together? That is our topic today. Our guest, Kim Olachea has weathered and helpful insights that I think will give you encouragement in this area.   Get all the shownotes at

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