The Becoming Superhuman Podcast



Voted Best Podcast Episode of 2016 by ProductHunt, The Becoming SuperHuman Podcast, hosted by lifehacker & accelerated learning expert Jonathan Levi interviews extraordinary people such as Gretchen Rubin, Ben Greenfield, Robb Wolf, Jimmy Moore, Abel James, Rory Vaden, Hal Elrod, Benny Lewis, and many more to bring you the skills, tips, and tricks to overcome the impossible. From physical fitness to learning and memory, we seek to understand optimal performance and superhuman abilities through engaging conversations and interviews with some of the world's most interesting people.


  • Ep. 162: Is Speed Reading a Hoax?

    27/02/2018 Duration: 30min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! This week we are going to dive into a rather controversial topic, one that people have brought up to me for years. That is, is speed reading a hoax, or is it the real deal? You know, over the last few years that I've been teaching accelerated learning a lot of people have sent me many articles either proving or disproving speed reading. Therefore, what I wanted to do was sit down and look at one of the most prominent studies disproving it, which is an evaluation of many other studies, and also share some studies proving it. Now, probably the most surprising thing through this whole exercise and analysis was that I probably agree with 70% t0 80% of what the research has found and you will see exactly why as I explain through the entire episode. You will listen to a lot of surprising things and a few surprising ones. I encourage you guys to challenge me and my assumptions, to share what you guys think and also to think critically about what I have to say. I think you guys are really goi

  • Ep. 161: Overcoming a Major Illness W/ Josh Perry, Professional BMX Athlete

    20/02/2018 Duration: 39min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Josh Perry, whom you may know from the world of extreme sports. Josh is an extreme athlete, specifically a BMX biker. But that's just the beginning of his story. You see, Josh has survived multiple brain tumors. He went through an unbelievable journey to get healthy and get well, including massive surgery and cutting-edge new treatment technology. He survived through it all and now he's living with this condition. Josh has so much to share. We talked about fear, we talked about life purpose and mission and we also talked about the journey that followed this horrifying experience for him and the beauty that came out of it. Josh today is an expert in the nutrition field as well as a BMX athlete. He has written and been featured in more publications than I care to list but, to name a few, they are Men's Health, GQ, US News, LiveStrong, People Magazine, ESPN and many more. He has also launched the blog where he shares his thoughts and ideas with

  • Ep. 160: Tal Gur On The Art Of Living Your Life Fully

    13/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    Today we are joined by Tal Gur. Tal is a blogger, an entrepreneur, a serial and best-selling author, and a devoted adventurer, who has spent the last decade pursuing 100 major goals across the globe. He has also been writing about it and philosophizing on how we can live fully. His book is called The Art Of Fully Living and it talks about his journey, including its challenges, crippling self-doubt and struggling for a sense of purpose. Through his journey, Tal has discovered a life-changing gift that he is now passing on to others. We talk about how to get fulfillment in life, we talk about some of the skills, strategies, and tips that will help you find fulfillment and happiness and much more. It is a short episode, but I think it's definitely going to uplift your week!

  • Ep. 159: The Art Of Moment Making W/ Jon Vroman

    06/02/2018 Duration: 46min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Jon Vroman. If you haven't heard of Jon Vroman, he is a philanthropist, a speaker, a bestselling author, an ultra-marathon runner and the founder of the Front Row Foundation. Jon has been doing incredible work for many years, working with people at the end of their lives, mainly people with terminal illnesses. The lessons that he's learned and the inspiration that he's taken away has led him to write an incredible book and come up with an entire philosophy about how to make moments. It's normal if you don't understand what that means, what making a moment is actually about. I was unclear about it as well and I was also unclear on what it means to live life in the front row. We went into both of these in the episode, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they meant something way cooler, way more meaningful and way more inspiring than even I could have imagined. So I am very excited to bring you guys this episode and I am sure you guys are

  • Ep. 158: The #1 Productivity Hack I (Accidentally) Discovered

    30/01/2018 Duration: 15min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! This week we are doing something a little bit different, and it's actually the shortest episode I've ever done, but for good reason. That is because, as you are going to see, this episode is a bit of a rant. It's a rant on something that all of you are doing right now, which is using your phone, using your technology. I wanted to write a post about a really interesting accidental experiment that I conducted, without even realizing that I was conducting it on myself, and the very profound effect that it's had on me. I started to write, and what started as a story became a rant and then became a sort of manifesto. So I hope you guys really enjoy it, as I definitely enjoyed creating it and more importantly I hope that you guys think about it. Like I said, it is the shortest episode that I've ever done and I what I hope/wish for you is that you will take the time that you would have normally spent listening to a longer episode, and you will get out there in nature or sit in a coffee shop

  • Ep. 157: Unleashing The Creativity Within W/ Michael Gelb, Creativity Expert

    23/01/2018 Duration: 39min

    Today we are joined by Michael Gelb. The world’s leading authority on the application of genius thinking to personal and organizational development, Michael is a pioneer in the fields of creative thinking. He is also an executive coach and an innovative leader. He has worked with DuPont, Genentech, Merck, Microsoft, Nike and the Young President’s Organization. Michael has also published 14 books, which is pretty creative if you ask me. His books range from How To Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci all the way to Thinking For A Change and they have also been translated into 25 languages. Focusing on the episode, Michael and I talk a lot about creativity, but we go much deeper while at it. We talk about how creativity is much more than many people think it is and how it's not what a lot of people often think it is. We talk about how creativity, memory, and learning are so intrinsically linked and we also talk about some different ways to enhance your mind, your brain and your life. Personally, I think this is an amaz

  • Ep. 156: Dr. Barbara Oakley: Understanding Learning And How It Works

    16/01/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    Today we are joined by Dr. Barbara Oakley. If that name sounds familiar, it should, because not only is she a professor of engineering at Oakland University, but she also teaches the world's largest and most popular online course, literally. It is called Learning How To Learn and has over 2 million students. You have probably also seen Barb's, as she told me to call her, Ted talk, which is a viral hit and definitely worth checking out. So, it is pretty obvious why I wanted to have Professor Oakley or Barb on the show. There is so much overlap between the things that we do, and we completely hit it off. We agreed on so many different things in this talk, but we also learned from one another. At a certain point she shares with me some ways in which the techniques that I've been teaching for years can be used, that I didn't know of and at another point I shared with her some of the visual mnemonics and gave her some advice as to how she can overcome a memory and learning challenge that she's been going through.

  • Ep. 155: Flow Expert Steven Kotler On Unleashing SuperHuman Mode

    09/01/2018 Duration: 59min

    Today we are joined by Steven Kotler. Steven is the co-founder of the Flow Genome Project, and he is also a New York Times' best selling author. He has written quite a number of books, many of which you have already heard of, like "The Rise of Superhuman", his book on flow, "Abundance", his book on the future, "Tomorrowland: our journey from science fiction to science fact" and "Bold", which he wrote with Peter Diamandis, the book about how to go big, create wealth and impact the world. He has also written a bunch of other books like "Stealing Fire", his most recent one. Steven is an absolute authority, not just on writing, but also on flow. The Flow Genome Project has been doing research for decades, developing and understanding ways that we can get into flow and understanding what flow is and why it matters, why it exists and what we can use it for. I think that this is one of the most important topics in the whole realm of becoming SuperHuman and it is something that we haven't really covered in any of the

  • Ep. 154: Ultra Marathoner Dean Karnazes On How To Beat Your Mind

    02/01/2018 Duration: 31min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are honored to have with us Dean Karnazes. He's a speaker, a bestselling author, an athlete, and an entrepreneur. TIME Magazine named him one of the top 100 most influential people in the world. Why, you ask? Because he is an ultra marathoner... not just any ultra marathon, by the way: he has run three hundred and fifty CONTINUOUS miles... not going sleep for three nights. He's run the Sahara Desert at 120 degrees. He has run 50 marathons in 50 days. He's biked for 24 hours straight. He swam San Francisco Bay... I could just go on basically and spend the entire episode talking about all the insane feats of endurance and athleticism that Dean has done. But I won't because I want you guys to hear from him. In any case he's been on The Today Show, 60 Minutes, Late Night Show, CBS, ESPN, CNN... basically all the networks! Again, I could spend the entire episode. I wanted to get Dean on the show for very obvious reasons. He is literally a superhuman. He has a lot of very interesti

  • Ep. 153: How Mother Nature Will Make Us Literally SuperHuman w/ Ira Pastor of BioQuark

    26/12/2017 Duration: 34min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Ira Pastor. He is the CEO of BioQuark, and he has over 30 years of experience across multiple sectors in the pharmaceutical industry, working on biological solutions, managed care, OTC's, and more. He's served as the V.P. of business development for a drug development company. He's raised tons of money for different companies, and today he's working, as I said, at BioQuark, which is a company doing really really interesting things with biologic solutions to many of our health problems. I wanted to talk to Ira to understand what research is being done today to make us literally superhuman: to help us live forever, get rid of diseases, and so on. I learned a lot about just the types of research that are being done, and ultimately, I found it super interesting just the reverence and respect that Ira has for Mother Nature as an innovator and as a way for developing solutions to problems. It's a great episode. I'm sure you guys are going to enjoy it very very much!  

  • Ep. 152: How To Prepare For Economic Collapse & Government Tyranny w/ Jeff Berwick, The Dollar Vigilante

    19/12/2017 Duration: 53min

    Today we are joined - and I want you guys keep an open mind here - by Jeff Berwick of the Dollar Vigilante. He is the author of one of the largest anarchocapitalist and libertarian blogs on the Web. And he's the organizer of the world's largest a anarchocapitalist conference. Now like me, you may feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when I say the terms anarchocapitalist or libertarian. And I certainly did. And I was really really uncomfortable when my partner at Bitcoin Academy suggested that I interview Jeff. But, you know what? I was completely surprised. Because what I learned in this interview was not only just how close the financial system is to major issues (and going through the numbers, I realized that we are all in big financial risk potentially), but also I realized that an ideology that I had always been told was evil and selfish was not nearly as evil or as selfish as it's portrayed to be. I had the opportunity to open my mind and gain some insights into something that I always had s

  • Ep. 151: I've Been Fasting For 3 Days. Here's What I've Learned (and Why I Did It)

    12/12/2017 Duration: 26min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! This week, we have a very special episode. Why is it special? Well, because as I write and record this, I am in hour 60 of a 72 hour fast. You may remember that in the past, we've spoken with a number of experts who advocate various types of fasting. We've spoken with Brad Pilon, an advocate of intermittent fasting. We've spoken with Jimmy Moore, a proponent of ketogenetic diets and longer-term fasting. And, more recently, we've spoken with Elaina Love, who teaches people how to complete 3-7 day "cleanses" that are very closely aligned with fasting principles. For years, I've wanted to try out a 3 to 7 day fast, but my schedule - and a good bit of fear - haven't permitted it. Recently, however, I was able to set aside the time (and have the proper supervision in the form of a live-in partner) to really try this out... and the results have been surprising, to say the least. In this episode, I want to talk through some of the things I've been experiencing and thinking about, explain the

  • Ep. 150: Tony Gaskins, Jr.: The Standards You Set Will Determine The Life (And The Love) You Lead

    05/12/2017 Duration: 41min

    Today we are joined by Tony Gaskins Jr. a celebrity life coach, a bestselling author an international speaker and a serial entrepreneur. But life wasn't always so amazing for Tony. He struggled very much with a lot of different things throughout his youth: he got kicked off the football team, lost his football scholarship, and found himself, like quite a few of the guests we've had on the show dealing drugs at the age of 18. But somehow Tony managed to turn his entire life around. At 22 years old he started publishing books. He started speaking and fast forward not that far ahead, Tony was invited to speak on Oprah, Tyra Banks, and many other media outlets, where he started sharing his wisdom and life experience... an absolutely incredible turnaround. As you'll see in the episode, Tony has so much to share about everything: about coaching and finding the right coach, about how Tony learns, about how to prioritize certain things in your life and set standards for yourself, and everything in between.  I'm sure

  • Ep. 149: How To Accelerate Your Learning Of Music & More w/ Zach Evans, Piano SuperHuman

    28/11/2017 Duration: 38min

    Today we are joined by Zach Evans and Zach actually came to us through a recommendation of someone in the SuperLearners Facebook group. Zach is a professional pianist who has also started very successful online music and piano training business, and he specializes in accelerated learning techniques for piano. Now I know some of you in the audience are saying right now "well I'm not interested in playing the piano, why does this relate to me?" I would encourage you to put that thought aside, because actually, Zach and I got into some pretty in-depth accelerated learning techniques... and I have to say I actually learned quite a bit from him in terms of things that I'm not doing that I could be doing better. Including some things that could improve the way that I learn, and ways that I've maybe been neglecting to structure out my own learning process. Zach really shares some very interesting stuff just about how learning a musical instrument, like learning a language, can be an incredible way to improve, refine

  • Ep. 148: Elaina Love: The Surprising Benefits of Cleanses & Extended Fasting

    21/11/2017 Duration: 53min

    Today we are joined by Elaina Love. She's a repeat guest who is known as an authority in the organic and raw food spaces, but more than that, she's known for cleanses. It's something that we didn't cover at all in our previous episode together, so I wanted to have Elaina back on the show. Not just because she's amazing and I really enjoy talking to her, but also because she knows so much about cleanses. Now if you're skeptical about cleanses I was too. And you know, what I came to realize that all the research about fasting is so positive, and cleanses are just a way  to fast, but to give your body some additional ingredients as you're fasting, to help it clean out and get all the benefits of fasting... and then some. I have to say - I'm a convert. I've committed, on the air as you will see, to doing my first cleanse fast fast cleanse and I hope you guys will give it some consideration as well. What I love about talking to Elaina is she dabbles in both this soft world of holistic, raw food, and vegan, but she

  • Ep. 147: Economist Jeffrey Tucker: Bitcoin Will Unleash Humanity's True Potential

    14/11/2017 Duration: 35min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are actually joined by economist and author Jeffrey Tucker. Now, you might have heard of Jeffrey Tucker. He's very popular in the Bitcoin scene. He's an Austrian School economist...and you might be thinking, "what does this have to do with becoming superhuman?" Well, Jeffrey was here in the studio with me and we were talking about Bitcoin for a new project that I've been working on. Like myself, Jeffrey believes that Bitcoin is going to be one of the key technologies, if not the technology, that liberates humanity, creates unseen prosperity, unseen freedom, and much more. And as I was talking to him, about Bitcoin, I came to realize that a lot of the stuff that he was talking about is about financial freedom, having responsibility for your future, and a lot of different things that we've covered on the show only tangentially, but which really relate to becoming super human. And so I decided to share this interview with you guys here today. I know Bitcoin is not a topic that y

  • Ep. 146: Developing a Healthy Relationship With Food: Daniel Thomas Hind

    07/11/2017 Duration: 55min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Daniel Thomas Hind. He is a transformational coach and the founder of Evolution Eat. Daniel is a nutrition coach specializing in helping individuals create breakthroughs in their lives around their relationships with food. I discovered a lot of really really interesting things about Daniel throughout this episode, and we completely hit it off. We talked about food and nutrition. We talked about psychology. We talked about habits and we talked about how to game all of it to win your way day by day to better health. From there, we talked about all kinds of hacks and different ways that Daniel etches out the best performance in himself and in his business. I think you guys are really going to enjoy this episode. I sure did!

  • Ep. 145: Separating The Gold From The Garbage: We Talk Supplements w/ Industry Insider Ben Harris

    31/10/2017 Duration: 40min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are going to be talking about a subject that we have not really covered in to too much depth, and that is the supplement industry. You might hear me or many other thought leaders talking about supplementation, about vitamins, about powders and nutrients and supplements... But you might not know much about the industry. You might think "well, is this for me? Is this something that I actually need to do?" And you're probably overwhelmed just by the sheer amount of options that are out there. So to help us sort through this a little bit, we've invited Benjamin Harris to the show. He is the co-founder of Nickel and Dime Supplement Club, a new company that is trying to make supplementation cheaper, easier, and more affordable for everybody. Although this episode is not a sales pitch, we definitely do talk a little bit about their products and how they're different. But then, we go into how you can discern the facts from the B.S. when it comes to supplementation, and a bunch of oth

  • Ep. 144: How Behavioral Science Can Improve Your Life: Jon Levy Returns

    24/10/2017 Duration: 46min

    Greetings, SuperFriends! Today we are joined by Jon Levy... not me, but my much cooler, much more socially developed doppelganger in New York City. We've had Jon on the show before, but we were so caught up talking about his book, The 2AM Principle, that we didn't actually get to talk about what he does normally, when he's not promoting a book... and that is behavioral science. In the episode we go very deep into a lot of different aspects of behavioral science and how you can use it to achieve superhuman results... whether that means in your personal life, in your professional life, happiness, health, wealth, or success. I learned a lot of really really interesting things. John is just a fountain of research and psychological concepts and ideas, and explains them in a way that you can not only understand, but also apply in your day to day life. We learn how you can enjoy experiences more, how you can build better, richer relationships, and everything in between. I think you guys are really going to enjoy the

  • Ep. 143: Samir Becic Shares What's Wrong With The Way We Work Out

    17/10/2017 Duration: 44min

    Today we are joined by Samir Becic, originally from Bosnia. Samir was a former fitness director at Bally Total Fitness. He created his own unique fitness approach, the Resync method. He's also founded the Health Fitness Revolution online magazine. During his time at Bally's, he was also named the top fitness trainer in America four times, fitness director of the year twice, and Bally's best fitness trainer. His upcoming book is called Resync Your Life, and in the episode you're going to see that Samir has a ton of energy. He's a total character. He's loud. He's got a lot to say, and a lot of ideas to share. We talk about fitness, we talk about nutrition, we talk about what's wrong with all of the above in Western societies... and then we go into a little bit about mindset and why Samir chose the life path that he did. I think you guys are really going to enjoy the episode and if you do make sure to leave a comment. Enjoy guys!

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