Video Creators | Grow Your Youtube Audience, Get Subscribers, Tips For More Views, Strategy, And Make Money With Your Channel



Learn with Tim Schmoyer and other full-time YouTuber creators about how to grow a business around your online video audience. These entrepreneurs discuss topics related to their own personal YouTube channel growth and the business that surrounds the audience they've built. Listen as they discuss advanced strategies and tactics they implement to earn a full-time income from their YouTube subscribers and social media audience.


  • 3 Ways To STAND OUT on YouTube (Even In A Crowded Niche) [Ep.#268]

    07/06/2021 Duration: 34min

    You want to stand out and get people to notice your videos. You want them to stick around, for it to grow into an amazing community, and grow your business. But it seems like there are already so many people doing something similar to you. If you can't find a way to stand out from the crowd, your content becomes too skimmable. A new viewer will get the information they need and then click away, never coming back to watch more. So you make another video hoping this next one will actually contribute to your channel's growth, but it likely doesn't. Today we'll discuss a few concepts that will help you stand out and grow.   CREATOR SPOTLIGHT Johnny Harris -   REGISTER FOR THE NEXT VIDEO LABS IN JUNE:

  • The Way You Use YouTube Analytics is Holding You Back. [Ep.#267]

    31/05/2021 Duration: 42min

    We talk a LOT about how to best utilize YouTube analytics in order to grow your reach. Because, with YouTube analytics, you can learn so much about how your audience is or is NOT interacting with your content, and thus, you can know what you need to work on in order to get your viewers (or potential viewers) to engage more with your content, which gets your videos in front of more people on YouTube. But, what if I told you that using YouTube analytics is actually crippling your growth? We see this in creators more often than not, and so that's what we want to talk about today. CREATOR SPOTLIGHT Christ Butler of Project Finance: SCHEDULE A ONE-ON-ONE YOUTUBE CONSULTATION WITH US:

  • 70% Of YouTube's Watch Time Is On Mobile Phones, So Optimize For It Like This... [Ep.#266]

    24/05/2021 Duration: 50min

    Most creators shoot on a nice camera, edit on a big screen, listen to their videos through nice speakers, and publish from the desktop. Mobile considerations don't often enter the picture, but that's a huge mistake because a massive amount of viewership on YouTube takes place on mobile devices like cell phones and tablets. In 2021, we have to consider mobile viewers when it comes to how we craft and optimize our videos. But what does that look like? How do we do that? And how does the viewing environment change the expectation people have for our videos? We're going to talk about that today and help you out with some ideas so your videos perform better with the massive mobile audience on YouTube. CREATOR SPOTLIGHT Bernd Geropp: VIDEO LABS: Join us for 8 weeks inside our advanced YouTube training experience called, "Video Labs." We'll take you through our YouTube growth process that almost 1,000 other creators have followed to infuse growth into their channel. The next sessi

  • Keyword Research vs. Topic Research: Which One Gets Better Results? [Ep.#265]

    17/05/2021 Duration: 53min

    You're likely doing keyword research all wrong on YouTube. In fact, when we start working with a YouTube creator and they tell us how they're doing keyword research, all I usually have to do to make my point is ask, "That sounds great. How's that working for you so far?" and typically they chuckle and say that it's not. It's not surprising because the whole idea of keyword research is based on an outdated understanding of how YouTube's search and discovery systems work. The idea is that if I can find keywords that have a lot of search volume with low competition, then there's a greater chance that I could rank for that keyword and thus get a lot of that traffic. But just because there's high competition and high search volume doesn't mean you can't outrank everything that's there. It happens all the time! Maybe you've experienced it yourself with a video that performed well for years, but now suddenly isn't. Someone else's video took over. Furthermore, there's no such thing as ranking number one for anything

  • 4 Growing Creators Share 4 YouTube Growth Tips [Ep.#264]

    10/05/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    These creators just finished 8 weeks in our advanced YouTube growth course called Video Labs. It's been fun to see how much their channels have grown and changed over the past two months. Today they'll share with you some of their best YouTube growth advice as well as answer some of your YouTube growth questions from our live stream audience. We answer questions like: How to grow views and subscribers faster on YouTube. Ideas for increasing the likelihood of increasing traffic from YouTube's homepage and suggested videos. Why one channel grows slowly, but other similar channels grow quickly. How to stand out from other competitors on YouTube. And much more. CHECK OUT THE CREATORS HERE: Jet Cowan - Imperfect Paintings - Bernd Geropp - Jake Frei - REGISTER FOR THE NEXT VIDEO LABS SESSION HERE: https:

  • 5 YouTube Analytics Features that are KEY to Growing Your Channel [Ep.#263]

    03/05/2021 Duration: 01h03min

    It's easy to feel stuck in a content creation hamster wheel, questioning whether you're just running in circles with your channel, or just simply not moving forward. If you're not generating the results that you want, it's probably because your focus is in the wrong place. And these 5 YouTube analytics features can tell you exactly where your focus needs to be. JOIN OUR NEXT VIDEO LABS SESSION - CHECK OUT BLAKE'S CHANNEL HERE -

  • A Simple Strategy to Become An Authority In Your Field. [Ep.#262]

    26/04/2021 Duration: 41min

    Want to be recognized as a thought leader in your industry, but feel stuck on where to start? Feel like people are watching but not sticking around? Not getting the engagement or attention you want? In this episode, we're going to talk about how to become known for something by defining what you're against. BOOK A CONSULTATION WITH US HERE - CHECK OUT TOM'S CHANNEL HERE! HERE'S THE TITLE GENERATOR!

  • 6 Growing Creators Share Their Best 6 Growth Tips [Ep.#261]

    19/04/2021 Duration: 01h06min

    These creators just finished 8 weeks in our advanced YouTube growth course called, Video Labs. It's been fun to see how much their channels have grown and changed over the past two months. Today they'll share with you some of their best YouTube growth advice as well as answer some of your YouTube growth questions LIVE! CHECK THEM OUT HERE: Alla Shapiro - Rokas Leonavičius -  Norm & Kim Doyle -  Fifi Patel -  Martin Johnson -  Blake Rudis -  REGISTER FOR THE NEXT VIDEO LABS SESSION HERE: 

  • Our Top 9 Rules for Growing a Successful YouTube Business [Ep.#260]

    12/04/2021 Duration: 48min

    After working with thousands of YouTube creators, we've seen a few patterns in what creates success when growing a business around that audience. Today we share with you our top 9 rules for success if you're growing a business on YouTube.  LINKS MENTIONED Check out Larry Gibbons' channel here: Register for Video Labs, our advanced level YouTube growth process for creators who are ready to take their channel growth seriously and infuse growth into their channel:

  • Growing Your Channel with Paid Ads vs. Organic Traffic [Ep.#259]

    05/04/2021 Duration: 39min

    If you're considering paid ads on YouTube as a strategy for growing your channel, you're making some assumptions about your content as well as about how YouTube works. Today we'll address those assumptions and discuss whether or not using paid ads is a good method for growing your YouTube channel or not. LINKS MENTIONED Schedule a one-on-one YouTube channel consultation with us here: New audience metrics in YouTube Analytics:

  • Justin's Process for Turning Educational Videos into Engaging Stories [Ep.#258]

    29/03/2021 Duration: 45min

    The normal approach for most creators making educational content on YouTube is to just straight up teach the content. Provide the cold, hard facts and wrap up the video. After all, years of experience in the modern educational system have taught us to deliver information void of emotion, feelings, and sometimes even context. While there is still certainly a place on YouTube for tutorials and educational content that delivers information in that way, there's another approach to education that, when done well, many people don't even notice that it's actually education. That's because the education is wrapped up in a story that captures the viewer's attention, holds their attention, and actually makes them feel something. It gets the viewer's heart involved and, before long, causes them to even build a perceived relationship with the educator. Those are the channels that often find the most success on social media platforms like YouTube. Justin Rhodes is a great example of this. As a homesteading channel, if his

  • A Deep Online Community is Not Built -- It's Earned [Ep.#257]

    22/03/2021 Duration: 48min

    It’s one thing to have a channel with a big subscriber number, but it’s another to have a thriving community of people surrounding the channel. People that, if you didn’t show up to post would be DM’ing you to see if you’re okay. People that comment on every video and defend you to the haters. People that even PAY you.  The problem is that we see community as something we build. Something that if we post consistently and ask people to comment, that’s all it takes. But, community is not built - it’s earned. We’re not here to lay the right tactical bricks so people sit in our house, it’s our job to foster a culture that allows them to lay the bricks alongside us.  Today we’re going deep into how you can start to build a thriving community that serves your channel, your business, and each other. CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Mike and Erin of, "Our Wyoming Life," are a perfect example of what a strong, online, earned community looks like. Check out their channel here: SCHEDU

  • REVEALED: The YouTube Formula for Massive Growth feat. Derral Eves [Ep.#256]

    15/03/2021 Duration: 59min

    Many creators feel frustrated when they don't understand why some videos take off and others fall flat. Or why one thing on their channel is working well, but everything else isn't. Or when the thing that used to work no longer is. Is it possible that there's a process, or even a formula, that any creator can follow and get predictable results? There is. Derral Eves has been actively growing YouTube channels for years. In fact, he's behind over 70 billion views on YouTube. He recently wrote a book called, "The YouTube Formula," where he breaks down everything he's learned about growing channels and millions of views and subscribers. In this episode, he introduces us to the YouTube Formula and provides insights into the mistakes that often hold creators back as well as the things they should be doing, but often aren't. Take this information, implement it, and watch your channel grow! GET DERRAL'S BOOK HERE: CHECK OUT DERRAL'S CHANNEL HERE:

  • 5 Reasons Your Video Creation Process is so Frustrating (+How to Fix It!) [Ep.#255]

    08/03/2021 Duration: 53min

    When creators get started on YouTube, it can be very exciting at first -- you have fresh expectations and are looking forward to the potential. However, it doesn't take very long before you start to feel like the YouTube creator life is really not all it's cracked out to be -- especially if you are working a full-time job, have kids, or are a business owner. How are we supposed to work a full-time job AND have a family AND eat healthy AND workout AND implement new YouTube strategies AND get our videos out on time? We're going to talk about the 5 time management mistakes that most creators make AND how to fix them. CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Check out Oscar's channel, "Inside The Score," here DOWNLOAD "PRODUCT TO PROFIT" HERE:

  • 3 Questions to Get Unstuck With Your Channel [Ep.#254]

    01/03/2021 Duration: 45min

    When the things you always used to do to grow your channel no longer produce the same results, it's time for another approach. Today we discuss three questions you should wrestle with when trying to figure out how to move forward. These aren't easy questions to answer but should provide clarity, focus, and direction that will help you ultimately spark new growth on your YouTube channel and the business that surrounds it. CREATOR SPOTLIGHT Check out Brad's channel, Fix This Build That, right here: REGISTER FOR VIDEO LABS: Join us in our 8-week channel growth process that shows you how the algorithm works, how to rank on home, suggested, and search traffic, and how to create videos that utilize storytelling skills to capture and hold your audience's attention. It's limited to only 20 creators per session, so register today at POWER TIP: Click here to learn more about setting up Studio Permissions for brand accounts on YouTube: https://support.

  • 7 Ideas for Stable and Consistent Growth on your YouTube Channel [Ep.#253]

    22/02/2021 Duration: 54min

    We often work with YouTube creators who are frustrated with their channel because they can't seem to predict what's going to help them grow and want's not. Why do some videos perform well while others fall flat? Why do their views seemed to be capped no matter what they try? Today we'll give you 7 ideas for how you can stabilize your channel growth so it's more consistent as you move forward with your content strategy.  CREATOR SPOTLIGHT Check out Scott Mansell of Driver61 here: CONSULTING: Book a private YouTube consultation with our team here: LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Check out, "Primal Branding." 5 ways to use stakes in your stories to grip your audience's attention: Blur faces or a custom area of a video:

  • 6 Steps to Launching A Six-Figure Online Course With Your YouTube Channel feat. Wade Alters [Ep.#252]

    15/02/2021 Duration: 52min

    Today we focus our conversation on how to launch an online course to your YouTube audience. We've done it here several times at Video Creators, sometimes successfully, sometimes not. About a year ago we started working with Wade Alters who specializes in course publishing for YouTube creators. He and his team have a process that they use with YouTube creators that have led to millions of dollars in course sales. His process certainly worked for us! And today he's going to share with you what the process looks like so you can experience similar results with your next online course launch. CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Bulk Reef Supply was stuck at about a half-million views per month, but after working through our YouTube growth process, they quickly saw that grow to almost 1.5 million views per month. Today they share some of the main tactics they implemented that resulted in tripling their views. Check out their channel here: SCHEDULE A ONE-ON-ONE YOUTUBE CONSULT

  • What Google’s Core Update teaches us about YouTube’s Algorithm [Ep. #251]

    08/02/2021 Duration: 42min

    Google is always tweaking its search algorithms. In fact, they're making changes to it every single day. But last month they rolled out a big core update that was clearly noticeable, which they tend to do several times a year. December's core update impacted a lot of websites and, while we won't get into all the details of what that looks like on the website, it paints a picture for us of where YouTube's search and discovery systems are headed in 2021. Today we want to dive into what that is, what we can learn from it, and what we need to focus on as creators in 2021 if we want YouTube's improving algorithms to continually surface our videos to the right viewer at the right time. CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Check out Annie Long's YouTube channel at SCHEDULE A ONE-ON-ONE YOUTUBE CONSULTATION: We'd love to dive into your channel with you for an hour and give you the insights you need that will unlock your growth potential. Schedule a consultation with us here: https://videocreators.c

  • The Biggest Changes on YouTube This Year That Impacts 2021's Strategy [Ep. #250]

    31/12/2020 Duration: 41min

    A lot has happened on YouTube this past year! The platform is constantly changing, updating, adding new features, taking old ones away, tweaking algorithms, not to mention all the different trends that are being created! Today we summarize the biggest changes that happened this year on YouTube and talk about how those changes impact our channel growth strategies next year. REGISTER FOR VIDEO LABS: Let's dive into your channel together for 8 weeks in Video Labs and work through a process that hundreds of creators have used to unlock growth on their channel. Register here: CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Scott Mansell grew from almost a new channel to 350k subscribers and 6 million views per month in 1 year. He shares what he did to accomplish that.

  • Top Lessons We Learned about Successful YouTube Strategy in 2020 [Ep. #249]

    24/12/2020 Duration: 52min

    This year we worked with over 650 YouTube creators as clients, helping them with their YouTube strategy. From everything we learned this year by working with these creators, today we share the top lessons we've learned about YouTube growth, strategy, and tactics that you will take forward into 2021 with you for your own successful YouTube channel strategy. REGISTER FOR VIDEO LABS: Let's dive into your channel together for 8 weeks in Video Labs and work through a process that hundreds of creators have used to unlock growth on their channel. Register here: PRIMAL BRANDING: (affiliate) CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Brad surpassed 1 million subscribers with his woodworking tutorials that combine storytelling elements in them. He shares what he does to capture and hold a viewer's attention today. Check out his channel, Fix This Build That, here:

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