Television's longest-running court show "Divorce Court," presided over by Lynn Toler, allows viewers to experience the drama firsthand as couples square off in real-life courtroom battles. With over twenty years of experience behind her in the practice of law, Lynn Toler brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the bench of "Divorce Court." Get your daily relationship and common sense advice from Judge Lynn Toler.
S25E146: Drinking and Gambling: Ginger Coffman v David Sapp
18/06/2024 Duration: 23minGinger says the line of communication has been broken in her relationship with her boyfriend of eight years, David. She says he is a controlling alcoholic who shows no affection towards her. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E147: You Had A Baby On Me And You Have The Nerve Not To Trust Me: “Zarina” Newman v L
18/06/2024 Duration: 23minZarina says she no longer trusts her partner, Lashameice, because she cheated and got pregnant. The emotional strain has been too much to bear and both wonder if they can stay in this relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E148: I Want You Back In Our Fat Bubble: Vianey Rodriguez v Allen Lewis
18/06/2024 Duration: 23minVianey says they live different lives now and fears their bond is deteriorating. Allen wants to do things like go out to dinner but Vianey says she can’t do that because of her weight. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E149: You Used to Freak, Now You Can’t Keep up with Me: Tanya Severin V Lorenzo Martin
18/06/2024 Duration: 23minA cheater, a party animal and financially irresponsible. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E150: Breaking The Cycle: Donte Smith v Teshiauna Thomas
18/06/2024 Duration: 23minDonte says his girlfriend, Teshiauna, is confrontational, unappreciative and constantly accuses him of cheating, which he denies. He says they are hanging on by a thread and need help communicating their needs. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E145: Reasonable Doubt: Lindsay Griffin v Charles Griffin
13/06/2024 Duration: 23minLindsay has had enough of being in a toxic relationship and wants a divorce. She says she is in a sexless marriage with her cheating husband, Charles, and wants to end the relationship today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E143: Putting Our Cards On The Table: Jasmin Aikens v Marquis Glass
13/06/2024 Duration: 23minJasmin says after fifteen years and 4 children, she’s having the same problems with her boyfriend, Marquis. She says they both need to come clean about their indiscretions in order to move forward in their relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E144: Double Life: Shalissa Abbey v “Alex” Gardner
13/06/2024 Duration: 23minShalissa says her partner, Alex, is a sneaky shopaholic who is emotionally unavailable. Shalissa says their relationship is hanging on by a thread and hopes to resolve their issues. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E141: My Fiance Slept with My Sister: Ashley Harris V Turlaine “Randle”
13/06/2024 Duration: 23minAshley says the betrayal she has experienced at the hands of her fiancè, Turlaine, has broken her heart. She says he is a cheater, a liar, and she is ready to end their relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E142: The Age of Comedy: Sheila Kamienski v “Westside” Mills
13/06/2024 Duration: 23minSheila says her boyfriend of ten years, Westside, is an inconsiderate womanizer who doesn't respect her feelings. Sheila’s brother wants her to cut him off but she says it’s hard to let go. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E136: Growing Pains: Tiffany Randle V Louis Randle
04/06/2024 Duration: 23minTiffany says the trust she had for her husband, Louis, has diminished after finding sexually explicit messages from another woman. She’s had enough of the disrespect and is ready to call it quits. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E137: When You Have Quick Pumps, You Get Dumped: Imani Blunt V Courtnee Saxton
04/06/2024 Duration: 23minImani thought by having a threesome with her boyfriend, Courtnee, and another woman would bring back the passion they lost. Her plan backfired and now they find a 3rd party at the center of their relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E139: You Made the Decision for Me: Chase Krogh V Kirby Joseph
04/06/2024 Duration: 23minChase says his fiancèe, Kirby, has betrayed him. He says they had a plan to get married, start a family, and now she has gone back on her word. He says they need to get back on track for this relationship to work. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E138: Relapsed in Love: Benjamin Adams V Chantillae Adams
04/06/2024 Duration: 23minBenjamin says everything changed when his wife, a recovering alcoholic, relapsed. He says she became mean, controlling and aggressive. If she doesn’t get help, he’ll be forced to walk away. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E140: Help Me Save You: Felicia Casanova V Tony Reynolds
04/06/2024 Duration: 23minFelicia suspects her fiancè, Tony, he is using drugs. His erratic behavior and disappearing acts has caused her to question being in his relationship. She says if he doesn’t get help, the wedding is off. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E131: Entangled Love: “Dre” Batchan V Nailah Mackbee
25/05/2024 Duration: 23minDre says he works nonstop to provide for girlfriend Nailah. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E133: Side Chick Chronicles: Randee Jackson v Anthony Sheriff
25/05/2024 Duration: 23minAfter spending 10 years with her boyfriend, Anthony, Randee wants more of a commitment. She put up with being his side chick but now that she is finally number one, she fears he may be looking elsewhere. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E132: You Are Too Old To Be This Cold: David Lindsey v Lucretia Lindsey
25/05/2024 Duration: 23minAfter 3 years of marriage, David is ready to walk away. He says his wife, Lucretia, is insecure, controlling, and overbearing. If they don’t get help, he says their marriage won’t last. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E134: You’re No Angel: Angel Posley v “Trae” Isaac
25/05/2024 Duration: 23minAngel says after five years and two children, she’s ready to end her toxic relationship. She says her boyfriend, Trae, is a controlling cheater who does nothing but lie. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E135: Our Love Is Out of Business: Farryn Maddox-Boyd V “Ty” Sweeney
25/05/2024 Duration: 23minFarryn wants divorce papers signed in court today! She says her wife, Ty, is controlling, she doesn’t communicate when it comes to finances, and she believes she cheated. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit