Television's longest-running court show "Divorce Court," presided over by Lynn Toler, allows viewers to experience the drama firsthand as couples square off in real-life courtroom battles. With over twenty years of experience behind her in the practice of law, Lynn Toler brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the bench of "Divorce Court." Get your daily relationship and common sense advice from Judge Lynn Toler.
S25E130: Long Distance Secrets: Ace Urban V Kiarria Urban
24/05/2024 Duration: 23minAce regrets marrying his wife, Kiarria, and wants a divorce. He says he married a lying hustler who is emotionally unavailable and she’s keeping their marriage a secret. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E129: Put a Ring on It: Kamesha Washington V Cherold Jules
24/05/2024 Duration: 23minKamesha says her boyfriend, Cherold, doesn’t want to take their relationship to the next level. After 3 years together, she wants more of a commitment or she’ll be forced to walk away. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E128: Get It Together or Forget Our Forever: Rachel Christy V James Christy
24/05/2024 Duration: 23minRachel says her husband’s nonchalant approach to parenting, his inconsiderate spending, and his broken promises has sent her over the edge. She’s ready to file for divorce if things don’t change. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E127: Shattered Love: Shertae Tucker V Nicole Tucker
24/05/2024 Duration: 23minShertae says they decided to move and both agreed to go half on the moving fees. Shertae says Nicole decided not to pay her half and left the burden on her to pay for everything. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E126: All the Signs Say…Divorce Him!: Bria Brown V Antwan Brown
24/05/2024 Duration: 23minBria says she’s sick and tired of being in a toxic marriage and her husband, Antwan, refuses to take any accountability. The lies and the cheating has resulted in Bria asking her husband to sign divorce papers today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E128: Get It Together or Forget Our Forever: Rachel Christy V James Christy
24/05/2024 Duration: 23minRachel says her husband’s nonchalant approach to parenting, his inconsiderate spending, and his broken promises has sent her over the edge. She’s ready to file for divorce if things don’t change. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E127: Shattered Love: Shertae Tucker V Nicole Tucker
24/05/2024 Duration: 23minShertae says they decided to move and both agreed to go half on the moving fees. Shertae says Nicole decided not to pay her half and left the burden on her to pay for everything. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E126: All the Signs Say…Divorce Him!: Bria Brown V Antwan Brown
24/05/2024 Duration: 23minBria says she’s sick and tired of being in a toxic marriage and her husband, Antwan, refuses to take any accountability. The lies and the cheating has resulted in Bria asking her husband to sign divorce papers today! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E125: When a Woman Is Fed Up: Corniya Coleman V Larry Coleman
14/05/2024 Duration: 23minCorniya is completely turned off by her husband, Larry. She says he is a womanizer, an alcoholic and unreliable. If things don’t change, she’ll be forced to file for divorce. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E124: I Know What You Did!: Ashley Pomplin V Jimmie Blount
14/05/2024 Duration: 23minAshley wants her boyfriend, Jimmie, out of her house and out of her life. She says he's pressuring her to have a baby, is a sneaky liar and she believes he is cheating. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E123: Heart Like a Truck: Sryia Huff V Stevie Huff
14/05/2024 Duration: 23minSryia is in court to end her 5 year marriage. She says her husband, Stevie, is obsessed with his cars, has a habit of disappearing and she suspects he’s cheating. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E121: Check in or I’m Checking Out: Tabitha Herrod V “Mike” Parham
14/05/2024 Duration: 23minSince moving in together, Tabitha says she discovered her fiancè is an alcoholic who has a gambling addiction. She’s invested thousands into their wedding but says if Mike doesn’t get help, the wedding is off. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E122: Wrecking Ball Love: Fontasia Butler V Deontrae Butler
14/05/2024 Duration: 23minFontasia says her husband, Deontrae, is a married man who refuses to give up the single life. She says the disrespect has reached an all time high because now she suspects he’s cheating. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E119: I’ll Cheat If You Don’t Give Me Sex!: John James V Torena James
02/05/2024 Duration: 23minJohn says Torena has anger issues. He says she got into a car accident with her company car and was upset with him because he didn’t tell her to file an insurance claim. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E120: Trouble In The Neighborhood: Sharita Kindle v Ashleigh Robinson
02/05/2024 Duration: 23minSharita has had enough of her girlfriend, Ashleigh, using her for money, constantly lying and she believes she cheated on her. She’s ready to end the relationship and she wants Ashleigh to move out of her house. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E117: Do You Want to Get a Divorce or Not: Lana Cribb V Derrick Cribb
02/05/2024 Duration: 23minLana says her marriage has been in limbo for years and it's time to work on the marriage or get a divorce! She says her husband, Derrick, is a habitual sneaky liar and she’s done being played. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E118: I Bought My Own Ring, So Marry Me!: Cynthia Gates V “John” Hatter
02/05/2024 Duration: 23minCynthia fears her fiancé, John, is stringing her along and has no plans to marry her. If he refuses to set a wedding date, she’s ready to pull the plug on this relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E116: I’m Tired of You Wrestling Between Me and Your Baby Momma: Flora Clarke V Joshua Piper
02/05/2024 Duration: 23minFlora says her fiancè is a liar, inconsistent, puts his friends and family before her, and he’s now questioning the paternity of their 1-month-old son. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E115: Your Snoring And Feet Are Pushing Me Away: Rosemary Perez v Rafael Munoz
23/04/2024 Duration: 23minRosemary says the lack of commitment from her boyfriend, Rafael, is pushing her away. After 5 years and one child, she wants an engagement ring or she’ll be forced to walk away. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
S25E113: Baby Mama Brings Lots of Drama: Aliyah Thomas v Stevenson Collier Pt. 2
23/04/2024 Duration: 23minAfter years of lies, deceit and baby mama drama, Aliyah says ending her engagement to Stevenson is the only option. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit