Mastering Your World Through Frequencies



In each episode of this weekly podcast we explore how frequencies shape our world and begin to remove the patterns that keep us stuck so we can realize our greatest potential.


  • Intimacy Re-imagined

    17/11/2019 Duration: 46min

    Learn how intimacy begins with our relationship with ourselves, and how only once that solid foundation is established can we experience true intimacy with others. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) will help you to begin to clear the distortion patterns that are keeping you from this internal completion on spirit level. Without clearing the distortion patterns around this, feeling complete will remain elusive and you will easily become enmeshed in the other in intimate partnership in a way that keeps you weak from spirit perspective.

  • The Yin & The Yang

    10/11/2019 Duration: 52min

    The third part of three in the mini series on the Transcendent Feminine & Masculine. This is the big picture of how we have both aspects within - in a ratio specific to us. Learn how when both the feminine and masculine are clear within us and in union, we can clearly express the highest resonation of our authentic selves.

  • The Transcendent Masculine

    03/11/2019 Duration: 44min

    Learn how the new paradigm of the Transcendent Masculine rises above the distortions of the old paradigm, for clearer and higher order embodiment of the masculine. This is Part 2 of the three part mini series on the new paradigm of the Transcendent Feminine, the Transcendent Masculine and the unique ratio of each within us.

  • The Transcendent Feminine

    27/10/2019 Duration: 51min

    Learn how in this new paradigm of the Transcendent Feminine, the essence of the feminine is of a clearer and higher resonance than ever before – transcending the distortions of the old paradigm – and how embodying it allows for transformation from a higher order. This is Part 1 of the three part mini series on the new paradigm of the Transcendent Feminine, the Transcendent Masculine and the unique ratio of each within us.

  • Manifestation From Spirit vs. The Mind

    20/10/2019 Duration: 48min

    Learn about the two methodologies to successful manifestation, the pitfalls of manifestation from the mind that most people are not aware of, and what you need to know in order to successfully manifest. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will begin to help remove the blocks that are preventing you from manifesting more easily, effectively and efficiently. Without clearing these distortion patterns, we remain in the realm of wishing for something different but not able to bring things into form.

  • Fast Track To Enlightenment

    13/10/2019 Duration: 45min

    Learn what is the most efficient path to enlightenment.

  • Reshaping Your Relationship With Time

    06/10/2019 Duration: 48min

    Learn what the three relationships to time are, how we can shift from feeling like we don’t have enough time, to having more spaciousness with it and that we have enough time to do what we’re meant to.

  • How To Expand Your Field of Possibilities

    29/09/2019 Duration: 35min

    Learn why we tend to create and manifest the same reality over and over again, and how to expand your field of possibilities which allows for a better, more wonder-filled experience of life.

  • Inspired Productivity

    22/09/2019 Duration: 40min

    Learn how to produce more, inspired from a higher order, which leads to a greater sense of fulfillment while maintaining a sense of calm, stability and forward movement throughout the process. The GFC will help you start to clear the distortion patterns that are keeping you from experiencing Inspired Productivity. Without clearing these distortion patterns we can easily get burned out or overwhelmed by our ever growing to-do lists.

  • Transcendent Leadership

    15/09/2019 Duration: 46min

    Learn about the new paradigm of Transcendent Leadership, how it turns the power dynamics of old paradigm leadership on its head, how it benefits the whole, and how you can begin to embody it. The GFC will help to begin to remove the distortion patterns that may be keeping you from embodying this type of leadership. Without removing these distortion patterns, we can easily get stuck in old patterns of power, control, oppression and abuse.

  • Transcendent Success

    08/09/2019 Duration: 33min

    Learn what Transcendent Success is, how it turns traditional externally defined success on its head and how to get there. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help to begin to clear the distortion patterns that keep us from experiencing Transcendent Success. Without clearing these distortion patterns, we will never feel like we’ve gotten there or that we’ve achieved that much. We'll constantly feel like we're falling short in comparison to others and we need to prove constantly that we are successful in order to receive external validation. It’s exhausting, never ending, and yet entirely unnecessary.

  • Goals What To Do About Them

    01/09/2019 Duration: 50min

    Learn a new paradigm of goal setting which is more fulfilling over the long term and more efficient than the current old paradigm of goal setting. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) will begin to help you clear the related distortion patterns so you can move more towards intermediate level start taking a more sophisticated approach to goal setting. If we don’t clear these distortion patterns, what we set as goals remain limited by our distortion patterns, our ability to manifest remains limited by those distortions, and our realities remain relatively unchanged.

  • Why Is Polarization Happening On The Planet?

    25/08/2019 Duration: 45min

    Learn why polarization is happening on the planet from spirit perspective, and how it can be a critical springboard to massive upward momentum for us as individuals.

  • Freeing The Creator Within

    18/08/2019 Duration: 41min

    Learn about why creating for the pleasure of creating, without attachment to the outcome, strengthens your ability to manifest and create the physical reality that you would like to experience. The Group Frequency Calibration (GFC) at the end will begin to help you begin to release the distortion patterns that stop you from even exploring creating.

  • What is the zero point?

    11/08/2019 Duration: 50min

    Learn what the zero point is, why it is the most efficient and effective path to awakening, and how to get there. Please note that this is a more advanced spiritual concept so while it may be hard to grasp at first mentally, the more you listen to the Group Frequency Calibration at the end and the more you do continued frequency work, the more it will “make sense” to you. The Group Frequency Calibration at the end will help you begin to clear the distortion patterns that prevent you from being in or getting to this point. If we don’t clear these distortion patterns, we tend to ping from one increasingly extreme lesson to another, sometimes, lifetime after lifetime until we finally get it.

  • The Key to Personal Freedom

    04/08/2019 Duration: 44min

    Learn about the two frequency distortions which are the greatest hurdle to personal freedom. Once we transcend these two key distortion patterns we can experience our brilliance and expand into personal freedom. The GFC at the end will begin to help you remove the distortion patterns that are keeping you from personal freedom and experiencing your brilliance. This is a critical step. We can’t get past a certain level until we “get” this.

  • The Mystique of Earth Magic

    29/07/2019 Duration: 43min

    Learn about earth magic, what it is, more about shamanism and plant medicine like ayahuasca , who can benefit from it and what you need to watch out for before diving in The Group Frequency Calibration at the end will help to begin to sharpen your ability to discern magic being used in alignment with Pure Source from that which is not, in addition to maintaining your power even when you enter realms of non ordinary reality. If you don’t sharpen your intuition on what is in alignment with Pure Source and what is being used for darkness, it can be easy to fooled into giving your power away to someone or something that does not benefit you. Knowing what is in alignment with Pure Source will allow you to take the most efficient path to awakening.

  • How to Smooth Out the Rough Edges

    22/07/2019 Duration: 20min

    Learn about how to smooth out rough edges as you experience frequency work so you can shorten detox and accelerate on spirit level. Please note, that I am not endorsed by any of these modalities. I also do not and cannot know how they would effect you personally – I’m just sharing what worked for me! Without the benefit of some sort of modality that can help align the physical body with the changes we make on spirit level, detox is slower to move through the lower vibrating fields. Some of us can even get stuck in it. I personally do not like wallowing in detox, and am grateful for any assistance I can get to move through it!

  • Beyond Abundance

    14/07/2019 Duration: 44min

    Learn about what true abundance is, why we have challenges with it and how you can experience more of it in your life. The free Group Frequency Calibration (GFC) at the end will start to help you clear the distortion patterns that prevent you from experiencing abundance. Without clearing the distortion patterns around this, abundance will always remain outside of you and something you chase even if you want it very badly. Ironically, the more we want it, the more elusive that frequency becomes. Once we achieve neutrality around it (which sounds simple but isn’t always easy!), abundance starts to flow into our reality in unexpected ways.

  • How To Tap Into An Unlimited Reservoir of Pure Power

    07/07/2019 Duration: 41min

    Learn how to tap into an unlimited reservoir of pure power, (i.e. the frequencies of Mother Earth) to help us feel more resourced when we feel depleted. The GFC will help to amplify the Earth frequencies so even if you can’t go outside physically you can benefit from the grounding. Without the grounding of Earth frequencies it is much harder to discharge the electromagnetic radiation from digital devices, television and other things that create EMFs. Without being able to release these, our bodies can start to distort physically, causing symptoms that range from mild to severe. If we can tap into these Earth frequencies more, they help to give us the stability to move faster on spirit level.

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