Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies



Ready to access your infinite potential as a leader? Join Leadership Coach, Author, Entrepreneur and Medicine Woman Sigrid Tasies as she discusses and explores topics around modern business and ancient wisdom as well as spirituality, personal development and success strategies. Discover how to bring depth to your leadership and level up your business from a space of anchored purpose and emotional fulfillment, for the greater benefit of humanity and the Earth.


  • Four steps to start healing your over-achiever and get over perfectionism

    27/08/2020 Duration: 39min

    "We all get to claim: I choose to be enough right here, right now, because I say so. I know there is still an aspect of me that doesn't believe that I am, but I will work through that constantly until I am able to free myself from that belief."Identifying whether you are an over-achiever, and understanding some of the different ways in which believing we aren't good enough can play out in our lives (02:23)Looking at the reasons why you want to achieve all that you want to achieve (07:25)Intentionally choosing to show up with your higher-self reasons in your leadership (by making peace with your lower-self or "shadow" reasons!)  (13:22)Creating a practice of validation and acknowledgment within (22:08)Writing all of your goals and celebrating yourself daily (22:54)Drawing clear boundaries with yourself (31:07)Expanding how you relate to yourself and your leadership (36:59)Links mentioned in this episode:Catch up on the previous episodes: Sigrid:Instagram: @sigridtasi

  • Soulful Entrepreneurship - the new business paradigm with Makenzie Marzluff

    07/08/2020 Duration: 49min

    "The new paradigm is where the entrepreneur first comes into their heart space, and does their deep heart work to ensure that every decision that they make in their business is from their heart space."What the new paradigm of conscious business means (04:27)How can entrepreneurs start leading in the new paradigm (07:05)The difference between leading from the heart in a product-based business and a service-based business (10:27)How medicine journeys influence our creations and the way we run our business (21:15)A soulful approach to marketing, finance and managing teams (25:47)Working on your own belief and power (35:07)Having a soulful approach to everything you do (38:50)Ways to practice receiving in every aspect of your life (41:40)Find Makenzie and work with her (46:37)What makes leadership sacred? (47:28)Links mentioned in the episode:Kakao Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate:'s website:'s Instagram:

  • How shifting from toxic sexuality and porn can lead to embodied leadership and a greater impact - with Michael Mcpherson

    30/07/2020 Duration: 45min

    "Sexual energy is a magical energy..."How pornography can impact every aspect of your life (03:51)The dark side of pornography and how it can harm us in many different energetic and emotional levels (08:45)The impact conscious relationships and sacred sexuality can have in our leadership and entrepreneurship journey (15:33)Rediscovering the divine feminine and sacred masculine within us (22:34)(For straight and bi men!) How to navigate the integration between honouring the woman you're with, while being assertive and fully expressed in your sexual  intimacy with her (29:10)Creating sacred safe space for sexual intimacy in your relationship (33:49)The easiest go-to sacred practice for busy entrepreneurs, to create space to nurture your relationship (37:14)Find Michael and work with him (41:36)What makes leadership sacred (42:32)Links mentioned in this episode:Michael's website:'s podcast episode I speak about:

  • Integrity, alignment and all their different layers

    21/07/2020 Duration: 28min

    "Integrity is not just a just a word or a quality. Integrity is a way of being. It's a commitment; a habit, something that we choose constantly."INTEGRITY (such a big word!) (01:49)What integrity really means (03:40)Three different types of integrity (05:37)Examples of integrity (08:59)Questions to ask yourself around integrity and how you start embodying it more, with yourself and others (13:59)Integrity with who we say we are and who we want to be (18:51)Embodiment is the commitment to get back in the game (22:59)Follow Sigrid:Instagram: @sigridtasies

  • The true ROI of having a strong self-care practice

    17/07/2020 Duration: 42min

    "Self-care is not just about bubble baths and pampering yourself. It's a practice of making it a habit to deal with anything that comes up in the most self-honoring way possible."Leaders and entrepreneurs wanting to carry a big mission and not being able to fully thrive at what they do (01:37)My experience with learning about real self-care (04:34)Myths about self-care (13:42)What real, deep sustainable self-care is (15:36)Building a self-honouring tool-kit (22:13)Self-care is not always Instagrammable (26:38)A 3-step framework to create a sustainable, energetic, physical, and mental body so that you can create long-lasting results in your life and in your business (30:29)Real self-care allows you to do everything way better (35:35)THE ROI of self-care (36:20)Links mentioned in this episode:Self-care is The New Hustle Course:

  • Reprogramming oppression and separation - with Aaron Rose

    29/06/2020 Duration: 53min

    "Sometimes, all it takes in order to reprogram your oppression and separation is to witness it, acknowledge it and honor it."Reprogramming oppression and separation (02:45)How to find the root of your pain (06:44)How to know when to disengage with the story at play, and anchor the reality that we wish to see in the world (14:34)Letting go of the idea of 'oppressor vs saviour', realising that is a matter of 'empowerment vs victimhood' and choosing consciously where we stand (19:30)Focusing on our personal awakening process and how to be a stand for others (23:58)How to speak the truth but in a way that allows other people their sovereignty (35:23)Prayer and collective awakening (40:36)One piece of advice from Aaron (42:01)Find Aaron and work with him (46:07)What makes leadership sacred? (47:48)Links mentioned in the episode:Aaron's website: the code NEWEARTH for 20% off discountFollow Aaron:Instagram: @aaronxroseFollow Sigrid:Instagram: @sigridtasies

  • Is the Age of the Guru Over? Tapping into your Inner-Guru, and Vedic Meditation - with Rachel Gross

    22/06/2020 Duration: 55min

     What is vedic meditation and what makes it different from other meditation styles (02:53)The role and purpose of a true guru in these modern times (10:36)How gurus should encourage students to create a safe space for themselves (23:47)How to cultivate humble pride as leaders (32:17)The concept of charm and how to tune into it (39:00)Find Rachel and work with her (50:27)What makes leadership sacred (52:47)Links mentioned in the episode:Rachel's website: www.rachelgross.loveThom Knoles Podcast - The Vedic Worldview - Sigrid:IG: @sigridtasies

  • Is your pursuit of happiness causing you suffering? With PhD. Laura Pérez

    25/05/2020 Duration: 57min

    "Start cultivating love, acceptance, kindness, and contentment voluntarily daily..."The meaning of happiness (03:49)The meaning of attachment, aversion and craving (09:32)Understand what happiness is for you (14:56)Differentiating LOVE and ATTACHMENT (21:52)How to cultivate love, acceptance, kindness and contentment (24:53)Understanding success in a world that pressures us with attachment (31:18)Understanding our self-responsibility to make ourselves happy (39:55)Tips on becoming more familiar with your mind and where you might be attached to things that are no longer serving you (48:05)Find Laura and work with her (51:46)What makes leadership sacred? (53:21)Links mentioned in the episode:Laura's website:http://www.florecimientohumano.netFollow Sigrid:IG: @sigridtasies 

  • Is your business synced with your cycle? Doing this changed my life and could change yours.

    19/05/2020 Duration: 33min

    "I personally encourage every woman in business to tap into this inner wisdom and do things with a lot more ease for themselves and for the world."Misconceptions about period, cycles and business (03:41)Linking your business with your cycle (06:26)Menstruation phase - Winter season (10:53)Pre-ovulation phase  - Spring season (13:51)Ovulation phase - Summer season (16:49)Pre-menstrual phase - Autumn season (20:17)Planning your month with the awareness of  your cycle (26:47)Getting clear on how you feel in each phase of your cycle; identifying the things that you are leaning towards more and the things that you are avoiding more to work with your cyclic nature rather than against it (29:59)Links mentioned in the episode:Gina Frances' EPIC Freebie - 4 Phases to Womb Based Business: Gina:Instagram: @iamginafrancesFollow Sigrid:Instagram: @sigridtasies 

  • Conscious Leadership vs Unconscious Leadership - with Ruby Fremon

    11/05/2020 Duration: 41min

    "People can use social media poorly, but you can use it with intention."Thought leadership and the impact that we can create with it (05:29)The abuse of power in the personal development industry (07:45)Are you serving yourself or are you serving others? (12:34)How to know if the coach you are hiring is truly leading or self-serving (17:10)Mindset shifts a lot of people within this space of leadership can do, to be more in their conscious leadership (19:16)Collaboration vs Competition (23:23)How true, honest, authentic collaborations can help your business (26:20)Plant medicine applied to leadership (32:53)Find Ruby and work with her (36:47)What makes leadership sacred (37:54)Links mentioned in this episode:Ruby's website: Ruby: +17813360160Ruby's podcast: Ruby:Instagram: @iamrubyTwitter: @iamrubyFollow Sigrid:Instagram: @sigridtasies

  • Tantra and Sexual Energy for higher performance, self-empowerment and manifestation - with D'Vita from YesTantra

    04/05/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    "Our sexual energy is our most creative energy. We were created from sexual energy."What is Tantra? (02:57)How Tantra can support ambitious women and high performers to be more successful in their business (05:59)Techniques to tap into your personal genius and creativity without letting your sexual energy overpower you (10:22)Sex magic or manifestation, through harnessing your sexual energy (14:19)Working through your fears and insecurities with Tantra (16:31)Effects of separating ejaculation and orgasm for men (19:24)How to be more present so that we can deepen the level of connection and intimacy that we want to experience (28:47)Supporting and allowing ourselves to fully see the strengths of men and women (38:11)D'vita's advice on how women can tap and switch from their boss mode to a softer, more nurturing and allowing aspect of themselves (48:39)Practices to utilize our sexual energy to get into gear when we want to be productive at work (54:20)Find D'vita and work with her (55:48)What makes leadership s

  • FREEDOM, Conspiracies and Leadership

    27/04/2020 Duration: 26min

    "Ultimately, freedom is an inside job. We live in a world where freedom must be protected and encouraged if we want to continue to have certain rights"How does freedom look and feel like for you? (02:39)The system that we live in does not support freedom, humanity, justice and the earth (05:27)How to cultivate a space of freedom within (06:25)How to cultivate a space of freedom outside of ourselves (and be a stand for it!) (07:30)CONSPIRACIES: Should we be listening more? (10:00)Don't allow your current beliefs, perceptions and fears get in the way of learning and expanding your knowledge and awareness (16:56)Cultivating a space of freedom, strength, certainty, and trust within (19:19)Leaders seek full truth (22:18)Links mentioned in this episode:Follow me on Instagram: @sigridtasies

  • The 4 Entrepreneurial Archetypes - with Amanda Bucci

    20/04/2020 Duration: 56min

    "Business-building is a pathway to our greatest right of passage, becoming the person we are meant to be."Episode notes:What are the entrepreneurial archetypes? (Creator, Coach, Teacher, Entrepreneur) (03:47)Allowing yourself to align with who you naturally are (15:04)Why it is so powerful to know what your top archetype is and how to use the other archetypes to support your main one (16:49)Business - another way to becoming the person that we're meant to be (37:12)What you can do to support your clients and make sure to keep your business afloat (and thriving!)  in these times of confusion and uncertainty (46:36)Find Amanda / Work with her (51:49)What makes leadership sacred? (54:52) Links mentioned in this episode:Entrepreneurial Archetype: of Content: Amanda:Instagram: @amandabucciBucci Radio Podcast: me in other platforms:Instagram: @sigridtasies 

  • Be led by your VISION, not your CIRCUMSTANCES

    13/04/2020 Duration: 33min

    "Make sure that you are being led by your vision, not your circumstances."Episode notes:What's the vision that you hold for yourself, for your relationship, for your business and for the well being of humanity? (01:41)Practicing the mastery of holding your ground and anchoring your vision - whatever you think, say and believe, you are co-creating into existence (03:51)LEADERS SEEK TRUTH: The importance of doing your own research rather than depending on mainstream media to know "what's true" (05:45)Instead of listening to external noise, focus on the things that you want to do (07:50)Now is the time to look WITHIN (13:57)Fear and scarcity will take you away from the path you're here to walk... (18:10)Leadership, business, love, freedom and confidence - they all start WITHIN (22:13)Sink into a new space of newly found empowerment, and remember what you're capable of (30:29) Links:Infinite Leadership Program:

  • Inner-work applied to business success, and why focusing on strategy only, will limit your success.

    06/04/2020 Duration: 34min

    "Your business is a living entity. To make it thrive requires 80% of your mindset and 20% of the strategy."The relationship between inner work and business work (03:54)My idea of REAL success  (06:20)Examples of how the inner work will impact your success in business (09:17)Stop thinking that your job/business has nothing to do with you, because it has EVERYTHING to do with you (18:30)Holistic success (20:17)Building success from a space of anchored purpose from deep integrity and deep integration of success (26:11)Building bridges between business strategies and inner work is crucial (30:08)Links mentioned in this episode:Infinite Leadership Program:

  • FLOW State - Accessing the state of effortless fulfillment and higher performance with Oren Harris

    30/03/2020 Duration: 49min

    "Flow is the state of hyper-productivity and optimal efficiency. Because you have so much more creative power, genius and intelligence at your disposal, flow empowers your performance exponentially."What is flow? (04:28)How to start intentionally bringing in flow into our lives (06:41)Hacking into the flow - think less, feel more (13:48)Flow mastery and how awakening comes into play (19:13)Staying in a state of being true to the energy that's moving through you (24:47)How living in a state of flow can benefit one's performance in life and business (31:32)Misconceptions in regards to flow (32:42)Knowing when to allow the space regardless of what our conscious mind is saying (37:50)Pursuing a relationship or career based upon the authenticity of who you are is one of the most basic keys to flow (42:43)Find Oren and work with him (43:58)What makes leadership sacred? (45:25)Links mentioned in this episode:Oren’s Website: Leadership Program with Sigrid:

  • PANDEMIC: Some of My Thoughts & Intuitive Feelings About The Current World State (let's go deep!)

    23/03/2020 Duration: 48min

    "Do not let the noise outside determine how your future is going to be. Do not let the outside world decide what happens within you. Yes, be informed. Yes, take precautions. Yes, be careful, mindful and socially responsible. And also, if you may, you can choose to see the silver lining in all the situations including this one. You can choose to see what's in this for you."Will you be a spectator in this situation? Or will you rise up and truly stand up in your most powerful space as a leader? (02:15) Whatever we choose to believe, we are giving our power to (04:40)Uncertainty was always here - we simply see it more clearly now (05:29)If your freedom was taken away so easily, what is this teaching you? (08:20)It's not I, it is WE - where we are way stronger, more resourceful, creative and powerful (11:28)Do not let the world influence what's happening within you (14:46)If it was up to you to create a new world, what could be possible then? (20:03)Allowing your gifts to be a part of the solution (22:13)Pivot, p

  • The Art Of Storytelling with John Romaniello

    16/03/2020 Duration: 37min

    "Focusing less about the information that I'm sharing and more about the presentation of that information is what always helped me stand out"Find a way to connect with your audience (03:28)Successful businesses and relationships are built on connection (04:22)Why is storytelling so powerful? + Tips to get started with mastering the art of storytelling (05:34)Finding the magic in the mundane (both in life and for storytelling!) (10:33)The difference between integration and reintegration with regards to inner-work and  storytelling (14:36)The more inner work you do, the more your abilities grow (19:18)Finding your own unique writing voice (23:14)Getting out of your own way and into WRITING! (27:21)Find John and work with him (30:27)What makes leadership sacred? (32:59)Links mentioned in the episode:Find John:www.johnromaniello.comInfinite Leadership Follow John:Instagram: @johnromaniello 

  • Old Business Paradigm vs New Business Paradigm

    09/03/2020 Duration: 32min

    "We're moving into this new paradigm where we are claiming ourselves to be abundant, resourceful and powerful beings."More of us are stepping into a new paradigm within business and entrepreneurship (02:16)The problem with doing business in a "whatever it takes" mindset is that it can lead you to live a very miserable life. I see this all the time, and I've actually been there myself (05:33)I went from zero to six-figures in a few months, but at the expenses of my wellbeing (08:11)Serving people and having a business you're obsessed with, while still having time to live an epic life (10:13)The old paradigm is creating a business from the outside in. The new paradigm is creating a business from the inside out. (11:16)The profit comes as the result of the impact that we are creating. Connect to your WHY (12:40)Everything starts within you; including success (15:26)Claiming that you are enough NOW is the only way to ever feel satisfied with your achievements (18:46)We must align with the things we desire (23:35)

  • Self-care vs Hustle - with Libby Crow

    02/03/2020 Duration: 57min

    The different layers of self-care depending on our awareness and circumstances (04:49)Self-Care in Business (08:59)Physical and Emotional Self-Care + being in sync with the different faces of our cycle (14:02)Discerning and doing less, to give ourselves more (22:00)Healing the over-achiever within  (29:00)REALationships - healing, nurturing, triggering and supportive playgrounds (37:00)The importance of community (43:50)You need to be able to resource yourself - MUST LISTEN ENTREPRENEURS (45:50)Find Libby and work with her (49:51)What makes leadership sacred? (52:06)Links mentioned in this episode:Libby's offerings:https://libbycrow.comFollow Libby:Instagram: @libbycrow

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