Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies



Ready to access your infinite potential as a leader? Join Leadership Coach, Author, Entrepreneur and Medicine Woman Sigrid Tasies as she discusses and explores topics around modern business and ancient wisdom as well as spirituality, personal development and success strategies. Discover how to bring depth to your leadership and level up your business from a space of anchored purpose and emotional fulfillment, for the greater benefit of humanity and the Earth.


  • Shifting from comparison and jealousy to kick-ass confidence

    24/02/2020 Duration: 20min

    "The thing with jealousy is that it tricks us into believing we’re in the victim’s sit. But when we choose to stop believing our lies and get super honest with ourselves; no longer pointing the finger outside and going “they have what I don’t”, “they look better than me” or “they’re capable of things I am not” and instead choose to take complete responsibility for our lives and our desires asking “what is that they have that I want?” then we’re finally up to something."Jealousy and comparison are two of today’s world’s greatest diseases (01:27)Is never about what you have but about how you feel about what you have (02:43)Jealousy tricks us into believing we are a VICTIM (04:26)How jealousy really works! (05:20)My method to move from the victim sit (comparison) to an empowered position (06:40)Take responsibility and stop lying to yourself!!! (10:11)Using jealousy to find your road map + knowing you are choosing at all times (16:21)You are co-creating your reality; the opportunities that come and the ones that

  • Mindset Shifts To Achieve True Success - with Joel Brown

    17/02/2020 Duration: 53min

    "Abundance is a practice. Because when you have a scarcity mindset you play it safe."What got Joel addicted to success + creating your life's vision (03:55)Joel's definition of success (06:25)Letting go of the old-paradigm idea of "success" and creating a successful business and life according to your own terms (07:43)Top 3 mindset shifts to help you create a successful, fulfilled life (11:18)How to overcome self-sabotage & believe you are worthy of the success you desire (17:21)"The market is saturated" is a BS excuse + building an authentic brand (23:09)Standing out in a world of copy cats + leading from the heart (30:12)The end goal will always move; enjoy life NOW and believe you are enough NOW and success will follow (34:25)Addressing the over-achiever in us (36:13)Find Joel and his offerings (44:44)What makes leadership sacred? (45:55)Follow Joel:Instagram: @iamjoelbrownFacebook: https://www.iamjoelbrown.comAddicted2Success website: www.addicted2success

  • Spiritual Ego, Finding Your Own Sense Of Spirituality and Owning All Aspects Of Yourself

    10/02/2020 Duration: 48min

    "We are spiritual beings having a human experience, therefore there is nothing we need to buy or learn or wear or say in order to “be spiritual”, because we already are.How we go about remembering and becoming familiar with our spiritual nature is a different story, and everyone has a different path."A lot of people stay away from spirituality because they don't resonate with the "woo woo" scene (02:56)Everyone's path to spirituality looks different, even though the Spiritual Ego may tells us something else (03:52)The most spiritual, enlightening and woke thing you can ever do...(06:12)The more we identify with things, the less space we have to grow and evolve and show up authentically in each moment. Here's what to do about it (08:13)My journey to accepting more aspects of myself when my ego judged me as "too free" when I worked in corporate, and "not conscious enough" or "too ambitious" when I started to hang around a spiritual community (10:02)The  divine recipe for the medicine that you're here to bring (

  • Social with Soul with Social Media and Brand Strategist Laura Madden

    03/02/2020 Duration: 55min

    Social Media - a powerful beyond measure tool (04:20)Social Media is just a tool (08:22)What could be stopping you from sharing more authentically on Social Media (09:35)Give yourself permission to do things YOUR WAY (14:15)THIS can help you tap into your creativity and authenticity (17:43)Going from having an audience to having a community + grow your online tribe! (23:57)Is comparison getting in your way to making the most out of Social Media? (31:52) You can't beat the algorithm! But you can do this... (33:46)Find Laura and work with her (44:06)What makes leadership sacred? (46:33)Links mentioned in the episode:Laura's program "Social with Soul": Laura:Instagram: @lu_madden

  • Spiritually Sassy with Sah D'Simone

    27/01/2020 Duration: 47min

    "You are either planting a seed for your healing or planting a seed for your suffering."Why spirituality gets to be sassy and fun and how to cultivate more joy in our lives + Sah's journey to understand and embody this (06:53)There's nothing more spiritual than self-acceptance (14:50)Why a spiritual practice is so crucial in order to achieve success while living a successful life, and how to get started! (15:56)Master your inner-critic and change from an scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset - 30 days journey with Sah (23:29)Healing must be available to everyone regardless of their background or resources (32:25)One thing you get to start doing today to deepen your spiritual practice (35:10)Find Sah and work with him (41:55)What makes leadership sacred? (44:22)Links mentioned in this episode:Sah's INNER-CRITIC course:'s ABUNDANCE course:'s quiz: Follow Sah:Instagram: @sahd

  • At Home In Your Body with Hollie Azzopardi

    20/01/2020 Duration: 33min

    "Body Image Advocacy is being a pillar of light and ownership of our physical bodies in all of their seasons, shapes and forms."Hollie's journey towards true self-love and self-acceptance (02:03)Body Image Advocacy and how to be a stand for it (05:04)Cultivating REVERENCE towards our physical vessel (06:25)Biggest challenges leaders get to overcome in order to truly serve others - and Hollie's personal journey with this! (09:05)Most common -body & character related- LIMITING BELIEFS and INSECURITIES women struggle with (11:26)Creating an environment that supports you feel CONFIDENT + choosing your own beliefs (15:46)MODESTY looks different to every person (18:24)Self-Acceptance & Self-Love has a ripple effect in every single area of our lives (26:13)Top 1 Challenge + Top 1 Lesson from working as a model! #HollieAnswers (29:16)Find Hollie / Work with her (30:40)What makes leadership sacred? (31:28)Links mentioned in this episode:Hollie's Body Image Program:

  • THE MASCULINE: Finding Your True Power and Masculinity with Jeddy Azuma

    14/01/2020 Duration: 42min

    "There’s a lot of guys out there (myself included) who have been or still are very uncomfortable with confrontation. But if you are not willing to stand up for something in your life, it takes away your ability to be of service in the highest capacity."How to be in your power while remaining humble (03:02)Anchoring in service and purpose + Jeddy's journey from lost boy to empowered man (04:35)Vision Quest and Right of Passage ceremonies - What are they and why are they so powerful? (06:48)Nobody teaches us to be adult men and women and yet we are expected to show up as such after we turn X age... But what does being "a man" means? (10:22)Most common misconceptions around MASCULINITY and how choose and REDEFINE what masculinity feels and looks like (11:08)Self-Responsibility and letting go of giving our power away (17:04)Common CHALLENGES man need to face when wanting to truly own their power (19:28)The power of men's circles and receiving support from other men (20:59)How to allow yourself to be VULNERABLE (a

  • Making Informed Choices with Taylor Winterstein

    06/01/2020 Duration: 36min

    "We are not given the full buffet of information so that we can make informed choices and decide for ourselves."Taylor's mission: Helping families take control of their children's health (03:39)From diving into holistic health and gut health to heal her own chronic illnesses, to supporting parents to understand the side effects of vaccinations (05:13)Pregnancy & Motherhood: "Most modern women do what they are told without being truly informed about their choices and the impact that they have" (08:22)Drawing on ancient wisdom to regain our power and confidence in motherhood (10:23)Why are we being recommended to take medication that have such dangerous side effects? And why do the media not speak about it? (13:11)Media companies being founded by pharmaceutical companies could be the reason why we aren't given the full story when it comes to pharmaceutical drugs (16:09)Making informed choices can be as easy as reading a package (17:25)Why are so many choices made for us? Taking our power back through choosi

  • Are you saying YES to your mission or YES to your excuses?

    30/12/2019 Duration: 33min

    "There's no achieving without becoming."The New Year hype (02:12)Most people don't follow through with their new year goals (02:41)I am -lovingly- calling you forward (03:06)Create a Powerful Action Plan (PAP) vs. a Weak Wish-List (04:20)Be realistic about what you want! (05:44)What happens when we break our word to ourselves (06:44)Are you willing to give it what it takes? Set yourself up for victory! (07:50)Are you being a stand for your excuses??? It is time to drop the self-sabotage and be a stand for your soul's mission (12:57)Story of how I made the impossible possible to be able to afford my first Yoga Teacher Training, years ago (16:30)Excuses may feel like the easy way out. But if you want to live an incredible life you must be willing to make incredible decisions (22:45)As leaders, it is our duty to commit to being bigger than our excuses (23:41)If you claim you want to play a big life, you get to make big choices (24:20)Are you willing to do what is required in order to fulfil your dreams? (25:03)D

  • Christmas: Dealing With Family Triggers + Ethical Consumption!

    23/12/2019 Duration: 42min

    "Nothing they think, say or feel about you is ever personal. But your emotional attachments to them makes it harder to see."Christmas and its classics challenges (2:45)My upbringing and why I decided stop celebrating Christmas (3:40)Questioning tradition and standards(5:23)Intentional gifting vs consuming because “we have to”(7:19)Consuming in a more ethical way (9:57)How to deal with family when feeling challenged, triggered, judged or unacknowledged (17:12)Nothing others feel or think about you is ever personal (18:00)Let go of your subconscious expectations towards your parents (19:52)Taking responsibility for your own healing journey will heal you and eventually, your family (23:10)My family started to heal once I released my judgement towards them (28:10)Their advice will take you where it took them - is there where you’d like to end? (29:26)Having compassion for yourself when you don’t know how to do it better (33:32)How would you show up if your clients or followers were watching? (35:00)Follow me:Inst

  • Using Your Influence To Serve with Marco Antonio Regil

    16/12/2019 Duration: 50min

    Using your influence, resources and voice to create a positive impact in the world (03:08)When following your heart is the only option (07:36)Trusting the difficulties in our life are happening for a reason, always (09:20)Being open to receiving blessings - it is not about luck! (13:17)Being in the public eye - Cultivating patience, humility and self-honouring (14:33)Taking humble ownership for our unique gifts through gratitude (19:10)Honouring your needs and putting LESS on your plate in order to achieve and live MORE (21:05)Marco’s vision and journey of activism (22:21)Even though the ego is in a rush, we get to trust that The Universe has a plan (23:45)  “What if things don’t happen for a reason?” (28:45)   Balance between surrendering and taking powerful action (30:51)Understanding the profound teachings of religion thanks to spirituality (36:15)Main takeaway lessons taken from Marco’s religious upbringing and his studies on Spiritual Psychology (39:23)Find Marco and work with him! (44:14)What makes lead

  • Self-Leadership and Vulnerability with Amy Louise Cash

    09/12/2019 Duration: 29min

    “Vulnerability is medicine for the world”Amy’s journey from working in the hair-dressing industry to leading in the personal development world (02:02)Pushing through the fears and insecurities, to step up and own your power (08:06)Why hiring a Coach can change your life forever (10:05)Self-Leadership + the many different ways in which leadership may look (10:51)Stepping into their own version of leadership (16:06)The power of prayer + believing that you deserve what you want (16:57)“Vulnerability is medicine for the world” (18:34)One piece of advice for those of you who struggle to open up and be vulnerable (21:38)Creating an environment where you feel safe to be vulnerable (24:11)What to do if you don’t find like-minded people around you (24:55)How to find Amy and how to work with her (26:20)What makes leadership sacred? (27:33)Follow Amy:Instagram: @amylouisecashFacebook: /amylouisecash1

  • "ART: A Healing Technology" with Adam Roa

    02/12/2019 Duration: 40min

    “Art is the permission slip to get people to feel and in order to heal, we get to feel. The healing that this planet is calling for requires feeling, and that’s where art comes in.”What is Adam Roa doing in the world? (03:08)Living choosing love (04:19)Discerning between fear and LOVE(07:07)Trusting your intuition regardless of what your fear based thoughts say (09:16)Letting go of the attachment to what we want can save us suffering and gift us with a lot more magic (13:03)Vibrating at the frequency of that what we wish to attract (14:44)Learnings, methods and teachers that can support us in developing our trust and inner strength (16:41)We create our reality (18:06)Art is a technology that helps us feel. The healing that this planet is calling for requires feeling, and that’s where art comes in. (23:02)Adam’s Album: PERMISSION (25:28)Plant Medicine and the frequency of wisdom (27:10)How to find and work with Adam (37:07)What makes leadership sacred? (38:53)Links mentioned in this episode:Adam's New Album "P

  • Conscious Leadership and Ego Death with Victoria Bauman

    25/11/2019 Duration: 40min

    "My brand is my integrity."Redefining Leadership (02:34)Stop chasing the wrong goals and find your soul’s purpose (04:13)How to be confident AND humble (07:28)The feeling of unworthiness that gets in the way of authenticity and humility (08:42)Choosing to be a stand for integrity as leaders (10:35)Where is your work coming from? (11:51)Conscious Leadership: the new paradigm(14:09)Being in integrity as a daily practice (18:00)Integrity Audit: what I discovered about myself (20:29)Unpacking our beliefs and redefining what integrity means to us in each moment (23:23)The power of BREATH WORK (25:00)My personal experience with breath work (32:33)How to find Victoria and work with her (35:10)Recent ego deaths we've gone through! (36:44)What makes leadership sacred? (37:50)Follow Victoria:Instagram: @victoria_baumanFacebook: /victoriabaumanWebsite:

  • Becoming More Self-Expressed with Preston Smiles

    18/11/2019 Duration: 28min

    “There is only one of us here. And everybody to some degree is looking for more permission to be more of themselves.”Feeling safe to be self-expressed (02:52)“I don’t believe in unconditional love as it pertains to human to human.” (03:38)Societal unspoken rules that condition our behaviour (04:40)How social and historical programming affects us all (07:33)“There is only one of us here. And everybody to some degree is looking for more permission to be more of themselves.” (09:29)1 tip to get started with expressing yourself more authentically (11:29)Some women experience being beautiful as it being a burden (12:29)Why is important that leaders work on taking off the masks and becoming more self-expressed (14:20)Showing the whole version of ourselves, no just the pretty parts (15:53)The journey of sovereignty and Truth (17:49)How to know what Coach to hire (18:36)Why having a spiritual practice is completely crucial in life (21:31)Work with Preston (25:55)What makes leadership sacred? (27:01)Follow Preston:Ins

  • Living Life On Your Own Terms with Sunniva Holt

    11/11/2019 Duration: 36min

    “Time is our greatest wealth”Sunniva’s story from living in an isolated part of New Zealand, being brought up home-schooled and in an extreme religious environment, to becoming a world leader (2:03)What igniting your inner fire can do for you and why is it so important (6:13)What builds powerful leadership (7:59)Three things that will support you in being present and showing up powerfully to all areas of your life (9:26)Motherhood is leadership and your children will learn from who you BE (11:31)How to find a good work and life balance to HAVE IT ALL (12:09)How to prioritise things in a way that helps you have the life and business you desire (14:09)Believing that you get to live life in your own terms and TALL POPPY SYNDROME (16:07)MINDSET is the thing that will change your business, not STRATEGY (19:29)Three top limiting beliefs that stop people in business from accessing the next level (20:32)Overcoming the “not enough” story to step into powerful leadership (22:39)Wealth consciousness - why being abundant

  • Letting Go Of The Sense Of Self-Importance

    04/11/2019 Duration: 21min

    “It’s not about what you do being important in the world, but what you do in the world being important to you.”One thing that changes my life & leadership (00:32)Why we all get to look into this (01:19)Why plant medicine is so powerful (02:45)Why is letting go of the sense of self-importance so challenging or scary? (03:11)Why is important to do this when you want to be in a position of leadership (04:23)Everything matters and also nothing is THAT important (06:48)“It’s not about what you do being important in the world, but what you do in the world being important to you.” (09:22)Lead as a gift to yourself (11:21)Share JUST because you can (13:55)Realise the BLESSING that your life is, and see everything shift (15:06)Make peace with your ego (16:00)Doing things just for the fun of it (18:02)Takeaway lessons (19:23)Follow me:Instagram: @sigridtasiesFacebook: /sigridtasiespageWebsite:

  • "Innerpreneurship" with Sam Lewis

    28/10/2019 Duration: 41min

    "The big thing with the journey within is that the things we continually chase, they become just irrelevant."Sam's story from starting as an entrepreneur at the age of 19 and becoming a 7 figure business owner, to moving to Vanuatu and living in a farm while his business work for him (02:48)When doing the inner work makes material things become irrelevant (5:00)Why Vanuatu (6:02)Re-defining success (08:07)The big thing with the journey within is that external things become irrelevant (09:55)When do you know it's time to take the leap?(10:27)The impact of being raised in an spiritual household and biggest lessons taken from it (13:40)WHY and HOW nurturing our spiritual practice and help us create more SUCCESS and make our LEADERSHIP more meaningful (17:33)Mastering manifestation (18:37)Pushing things VS Surrendering (21:10)"Discipline is freedom" and how to learn to surrender when our mind is attached to an outcome (22:23)Spirituality brings depth, meaning and power to our leadership (24:32)WHAT IS YOUR LIFE P

  • Community & Play VS "The Solo Hustle" with Emily Gallagher

    21/10/2019 Duration: 33min

    "When you meet the right person to help you birth things, you can create so much more together."Emily's journey to realise the importance of bringing play and fun into her business & everyday life (after experiencing burn out!) (03:13)Emily shares her biggest mistake and biggest lesson from her journey as an entrepreneur (07:31)Why collaboration and building community are so important (10:53)If you are craving a community that doesn't exist, CREATE IT (15:30)Showing up for your business and ideals even when you don't see instant results (19:27)Listening to your intuition beyond your intellect (22:09)Taking the first step even if you can't yet see the next step (24:30)What will happen in the world when more women step into positions of successful entrepreneurship and leadership (26:18)How to find Emily and work with her (30:20)What makes leadership sacred? (33:33)Follow Emily:Instagram: @consciousbossFacebook: @consciousbossWebsite:

  • Mystic Leadership with Michelle Jeovanny

    14/10/2019 Duration: 54min

    "Trust that there is a success recipe in your madness."Michelle’s story - From running from an abusive household and living in the streets of NYC to being a 7 figure serial entrepreneur (04:06)Michelle’s biggest takeaway from her incredible journey (10:21)Trust there is a success recipe in your madness (11:04)How to start trusting your intuition (12:47)Some times we don’t need to learn more; we just a bit less of everything (14:14)Cultivating a relationship with something that’s greater than us (14:42)How to deal with the responsibility and stress than having multiple business can mean, being grounded and in alignment (15:51)Ask Spirit to lead the way (17:51)We get to bridge business and spirituality - the world calls for it (18:23)We don’t need to fear money (22:12)How having an spiritual practice has transformed Michelle’s life, business and leadership, and what it too can do for you (22:49)Being discerning with what we consume and being in integrity with the work (24:53)Mastering our shadows and leaning in

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