Happiness Alchemy Podcast

When Ascending Remember AGNES!



A - Anchor. One hand on the belly, one on the heart. Center and come into the present moment. G - Ground. Use those feet and root chakras and connect to the Earth. Again you are anchoring into the present moment. N - Nurture. Nurture yourself. Even if you didn’t before. Even if you don’t always remember. Show yourself love. Show yourself compassion. Human life can be challenging AF and the nicer you are to yourself the easier you will flow with the challenges. E - Embody. Embody the truth of who you are. Embody your true state of abundance. With so much lack, separation and fear rolling around this planet right now as everything is stirred up it can be easy to forget this one. So take time to connect within, ask to be reminded of your truth. Ask to be reminded of your inner abundant nature and let that frequency wash over you. S - Support. Support yourself. Tune in to your intuition and ask what you need. The more you practice this, the more it becomes second nature and the more you give yourself to suppo