Happiness Alchemy Podcast



Happiness Alchemy Podcast for Magical Women Craving Business, Life and Spiritual Growth with host Tracy Gaudet


  • The Trap Of Energetic Perfectionism And Solstice Activation Invite

    18/06/2024 Duration: 10min

    Get access to the True Self Solstice Activation here https://tracygaudet.com/true-self-reconnection-solstice-activation/

  • Adapting, Maintaining Perseverance And Perspective On Your Soul Mission (Part 2)

    12/06/2024 Duration: 09min

    Connect with me at https://tracygaudet.com/

  • Maintaining Perseverance And Perspective On Your Soul Mission (Part 1)

    05/06/2024 Duration: 09min

    Visit me at https://tracygaudet.com/

  • Equinox Transmission and Welcome to the Sovereign and Empowered Podcast

    19/03/2024 Duration: 09min

    If you resonate with my work learn more at https://tracygaudet.com/ or reach out to me on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/

  • September 2023 Practical Ascension Energies

    29/08/2023 Duration: 13min

    Learn more about Harnessing Your Inner Wisdom and Stability workshop here: https://tracygaudet.com/spiritual-support-session-harnessing-inner-wisdom-and-stability-workshop/

  • Emotional Processing on All Levels of Being with Holly McLoughlin (Catalyst Series)

    13/07/2023 Duration: 46min

    Get your copy of Catalyst here: https://subscribepage.io/CatalystMagazine Connect with Holly (and resources!) holly@evolving.careers – Email Holly with the subject of ’emotional resilience assessment’ If you return it by the end of August 2023, I will offer a free 30 minute call. www.evolving.careers LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/hollymac1/ The Language of Emotions Book amazon.co.uk/Language-Emotions-What-Feelings-Trying/dp/1591797691/ref=sr_1_1?crid=14KC1C29W9EB2&keywords=language+of+emotions+revised+karla+mclaren&qid=1686922580&s=books&sprefix=language+of+emotions+revised+karla+mclaren%2Cstripbooks%2C66&sr=1-1 Blog about emotions and language for fluency evolving.careers/blog/developing-emotional-intelligence-in-leadership Today I am joined by Holly McLoughlin. Holly is a work-life coach who inspires mission-driven work lives that are better for people and the planet. Her passion is for creating experiences in deeply connecting to your authentic self, accepting all of who you are and wha

  • Centaurus/ Hadar Message and Healing Channel (Galactic Akashic Transmission)

    10/07/2023 Duration: 23min

    Learn more about Galactic Reconnection here: http://tracygaudet.com/galactic-connection/ Today in the Galactic Akashic Records I was guided to bring through this transmission from Hadar (Beta Centauri). This transmission is filled with healing silvery white light and has come through as a message, short healing frequency and light language.

  • Creating Capacity Within for Leadership & Legacy with Jennifer Redden (Catalyst Series)

    06/07/2023 Duration: 27min

    Get your copy of Catalyst here: https://subscribepage.io/CatalystMagazine Connect with Jennifer LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/itsjennredden/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsjennredden/ Schedule a Call: https://calendly.com/itsjennredden/coherence-clarity-call?month=2023-07 Today I am joined by Jennifer Redden. Jennifer is a Multidimensional Mentor and Quantum Leadership Guide who has forged her own unique way to success by guiding conscious female executives, directors, and industry leaders to awaken their Leadership Uniqueness™ so they can make the impact they are meant to this lifetime with integrity, clarity, and coherence. Her leading-edge, Whole BEing approach focuses on embracing both the seen and unseen to increase the capacity of her clients' atomic structures. After a 17-year career as a respiratory therapist, the breath strongly influences Jennifer’s work in supporting her clients to master their own unique energetics and build a Harmonious Infrastructure™. Jennifer is pas

  • Evolving Into Conscious Business with Lucy Spencer (Catalyst Series)

    29/06/2023 Duration: 30min

    Get your copy of Catalyst here: https://subscribepage.io/CatalystMagazine Connect with Lucy  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucy-spencer-8060221a/ Website: https://consciousbusinesssolutions.co.uk/ Today I am joined by Lucy Spencer.  Lucy is a Business Consultant specializing in enhancing business operations throughout a company’s systems and culture and optimizing business energy. SME leaders are taught a people-centric approach using traditional conscious practices with a holistic twist. This creates a deep-rooted transformation that leads to happier and more engaged employees, improved customer satisfaction and an increased company turnover.  Lucy was a Project Manager in the corporate world for over a decade and in 2017 transitioned to working with small businesses and start-ups. In 2020, Lucy founded Conscious Business Solutions to offer a more in-depth conscious approach to small businesses and has been sharing this knowledge ever since

  • The Changing Nature of Business with Polly Hearsey (Catalyst Series)

    22/06/2023 Duration: 32min

    Get your copy of Catalyst here: https://subscribepage.io/CatalystMagazine  Connect with Polly Website: https://www.pollyhearsey.co.uk/  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pollyhearseymentoring/ Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/pollyhearsey Polly Hearsey is a business design mentor who sees businesses as part the solution to our challenges. She believes, if we choose to stop and listen, nature can help us create new ways of living and working in harmony with our natural environment. She guides entrepreneurs to work with the natural life force and energies of their businesses to uncover their true potential as change creators. Polly passionately believes that intuitive wisdom is the hallmark of future businesses and is working to help entrepreneurs hone and tone their intuitive wisdom within business life.

  • Activate Your Web of Light

    20/06/2023 Duration: 21min

    Learn more about the Ascension Mastermind here http://tracygaudet.com/ascension-mastermind/

  • Feeling Deflated As A Lightworker (and what to do about it)

    03/05/2023 Duration: 08min

    Get more details on the resources I mentioned: Recalibrate Workshop https://tracygaudet.com/recalibrating-your-ascending-nervous-system-and-energy-body-workshop/ Harmonize Practice https://tracygaudet.com/harmonizing-the-nervous-system-and-energy-body/

  • Full Moon Release And Clarity

    06/04/2023 Duration: 21min

    Full Moon Release And Clarity by TRACY GAUDET

  • Ascension Impact Series Your Shifting Lightbody & Guidance On Ascension Path With Allison Holley

    28/02/2023 Duration: 34min

    Today on the Ascension Impact Series I am joined by Allison Holley. Connect with Allison here: https://www.instagram.com/allisonholleycreator/ Learn more about Allison’s Ecstasy Activate Your Ecstatic Body Program and use coupon code TRACYGAUDET to save $100 https://www.allisonholley.com/ecstasy Allison is an Andromedan starseed, channel, and awakening guide, and the author of the books "The Era of the True Creator" and "Ecstatic Playground". In 2012, Allison was overwhelmed by the intensity of a spiritual awakening. Many new awarenesses and gifts opened up to her during this time, including moments of spontaneous channeling and visions of the future. These profound experiences lead her to understand the game that is life, and to know that we are all masters going through the process of awakening to higher-frequency truths. Allison offers channeled guidance, ecstatic sexuality teachings, workshops, and retreats to assist you along your path.

  • Ascension Impact Series- Connection To And Integration Of The Divine Feminine With Whitney Mullings

    21/02/2023 Duration: 44min

    Today on the podcast I am continuing on my ascension impact interview series with Whitney Mullings Connect with Whitney Website https://whitneymullings.com/?doing_wp_cron=1676824711.3608369827270507812500 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/whitmullings/ Whitney is a Soul Brand Shaman. She guides transformational leaders to connect with their own soul desires by unveiling their unconscious need to prove their value, bring death to patterns in giving of themselves to trade for badges of honour to be a good mom, successful leader, and the many roles along with the many personas - mentally, energetically, and spiritually. Experientially rebirthing their own soul's power, presence, and creativity through shamanic journeying. Transform into that new identity matching the vibrations of their desires and becoming. That is how Whitney helps her clients to lead as a soul brand, speak their voice unfiltered, and dive into new levels with fuller trust. Join us today as we discuss bringing a connection to and in

  • Embodied Light Leader Transmission from the Ascension Collective

    15/02/2023 Duration: 22min

    In this channeled transmission I focus on the Embodied Light Leader and bring through some energy and a mini taste of working with me and the Ascension Collective in this space. If you are curious to learn more: The Embodied Light Leader 9 Week Group Journey: https://tracygaudet.com/ascended-light/ The Embodied Light Leader Private Sessions can also be found on my work with me page: https://tracygaudet.com/work-with-me-2021/

  • Ascension Impact Series. Breaking Free of The Paradigm of The Broke Healer with Emily Aarons.

    14/02/2023 Duration: 46min

    Today I am joined by Emily Aarons. Emily is a highly sought-after intuitive healer for female empire builders. She's best known for getting her clients out of overwhelm and burnout and unlocking the wisdom within to create alignment in their business. For over two decades, Emily has been practicing healing work directly with powerful visionaries and teaching them how to tap into their intuition to activate quantum growth in their business. She's the creator of the “Angels In Your Biz Oracle Card Deck” and “Aligned & Unstoppable Personal Journal”, and is the host of the top podcast “Aligned & Unstoppable”. Emily was awarded the Small Business Plan winner at the age of 22 for her first wellness center in Salem, Massachusetts. Emily most recently brought her healing business online in 2017 and has more than 10X’d her revenue to build a million dollar personal brand. In addition to her business, Emily, her husband and two young boys live on a small backyard “hobby” farm with a Belgian Malinois, goats, sheep, c

  • Ascension Impact Series: Clarify Intuitive And Emotional Waters

    07/02/2023 Duration: 12min

    Resources to clarify your waters of intuition and emotion: (free) Intuition Masterclass Series https://tracygaudet.com/intuition-masterclass/ Expand Your Intuition and Access Your Akashic Records https://insighttimer.com/meditation-courses/expanding-your-intuition-and-accessing-your-akashic-records Shamanic EFT Workshop to work with wounded aspects of self https://tracygaudet.com/rebalance-2023-2/

  • When Ascending Remember AGNES!

    18/01/2023 Duration: 07min

    A - Anchor. One hand on the belly, one on the heart. Center and come into the present moment. G - Ground. Use those feet and root chakras and connect to the Earth. Again you are anchoring into the present moment. N - Nurture. Nurture yourself. Even if you didn’t before. Even if you don’t always remember. Show yourself love. Show yourself compassion. Human life can be challenging AF and the nicer you are to yourself the easier you will flow with the challenges. E - Embody. Embody the truth of who you are. Embody your true state of abundance. With so much lack, separation and fear rolling around this planet right now as everything is stirred up it can be easy to forget this one. So take time to connect within, ask to be reminded of your truth. Ask to be reminded of your inner abundant nature and let that frequency wash over you. S - Support. Support yourself. Tune in to your intuition and ask what you need. The more you practice this, the more it becomes second nature and the more you give yourself to suppo

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